Selflessness is found in everyone, just as it is found in Stardust. A great example of a selfless person in my life is my boyfriend, Ryan. Recently, I was scheduled to work at 5 o’clock pm, and my Grandma was going to give me a ride there, since I do not have a car. However, my Grandma’s boyfriend was rushed to the emergency room due to complications caused by the new chemotherapy he was receiving. Understandably, my Grandma accompanied her boyfriend to the Emergency room. Normally, I would call my boyfriend and he would take me to work in a situation similar to this, but I knew that my boyfriend planned to meet up with some friends. I called my Mother, and my Mother refused to take me to work. Not knowing what else to do, or who else to call, I called my boyfriend; without skipping a beat Ryan agreed to take me to work, postponing the plans he made in order to make sure I got to work on time. Ryan’s plans no longer mattered to him, since I needed his help. Although the action was simple, the meaning behind it is much more than that, and I am forever grateful for all of the selfless people I have in my
Selflessness is found in everyone, just as it is found in Stardust. A great example of a selfless person in my life is my boyfriend, Ryan. Recently, I was scheduled to work at 5 o’clock pm, and my Grandma was going to give me a ride there, since I do not have a car. However, my Grandma’s boyfriend was rushed to the emergency room due to complications caused by the new chemotherapy he was receiving. Understandably, my Grandma accompanied her boyfriend to the Emergency room. Normally, I would call my boyfriend and he would take me to work in a situation similar to this, but I knew that my boyfriend planned to meet up with some friends. I called my Mother, and my Mother refused to take me to work. Not knowing what else to do, or who else to call, I called my boyfriend; without skipping a beat Ryan agreed to take me to work, postponing the plans he made in order to make sure I got to work on time. Ryan’s plans no longer mattered to him, since I needed his help. Although the action was simple, the meaning behind it is much more than that, and I am forever grateful for all of the selfless people I have in my