bond, interest and love for each other. The best definition for family is any group of people, relation or no relation that shares a common bond and has a love for each other to the point that they would do almost anything for each other. Material items on the other hand can be replaced where as loved ones can not. A material item to one can be garbage and not mean anything but to the next it could be their treasure and mean everything in the world to them. Some people would not even have to think twice if it came down to choosing between a material item and a family member. What if however this item had sentimental value? Would it change someone's decision in choosing between a family member and this now sentimental material item? The piano in the piano lesson served as a sentimental item to Berneice and as a material item to Boy Willie. Berneice had this piano which had been in the family for years and had been passed down from generation to generation. Berneice played the piano up until the death of her mother. Berneice now a mother herself kept the piano in her Uncle Doakers home which is where she lived also. No one played the piano it was more of just a symbol of the Charles family history. To Berneice this piano had no monetary value but the piano was full of sentimental value. Boy Willie on the other hand was a business man and he was all about the money. To Boy Willie the piano was just another material item that could be exchanged for land. Boy Willie felt that since the only thing the piano was doing was collecting dust he might as well sell it so he could benefit from it and get the land off of it. Boy Willie felt very strong about this and he was not going to have nothing stop him or get in his way not even his sister Berneice. The two siblings argued over who would keep the piano many days. Berneice said that there was no way they were getting rid of the beautiful piano which had been in the family for so long. Boy Willie did not care what Berneice said because he was going to have that piano, he even tried to have it removed from the house! Now the piano served as an item for sibling rivalry. However in the end Boy Willie ended up changing his mind because he realized the importance of the piano once Berneice began to play so he allowed her to keep the piano. In conclusion the lesson that the piano served in The Piano Lesson was that family should always come first. Family is something that can not be replaced so do not jeopardize your relationship with your family because it is not worth it. If an item means so much to a family member that they would go and get a gun to shoot you let them keep whatever it is that they want. Do not encourage them to use the gun and shoot you!!
bond, interest and love for each other. The best definition for family is any group of people, relation or no relation that shares a common bond and has a love for each other to the point that they would do almost anything for each other. Material items on the other hand can be replaced where as loved ones can not. A material item to one can be garbage and not mean anything but to the next it could be their treasure and mean everything in the world to them. Some people would not even have to think twice if it came down to choosing between a material item and a family member. What if however this item had sentimental value? Would it change someone's decision in choosing between a family member and this now sentimental material item? The piano in the piano lesson served as a sentimental item to Berneice and as a material item to Boy Willie. Berneice had this piano which had been in the family for years and had been passed down from generation to generation. Berneice played the piano up until the death of her mother. Berneice now a mother herself kept the piano in her Uncle Doakers home which is where she lived also. No one played the piano it was more of just a symbol of the Charles family history. To Berneice this piano had no monetary value but the piano was full of sentimental value. Boy Willie on the other hand was a business man and he was all about the money. To Boy Willie the piano was just another material item that could be exchanged for land. Boy Willie felt that since the only thing the piano was doing was collecting dust he might as well sell it so he could benefit from it and get the land off of it. Boy Willie felt very strong about this and he was not going to have nothing stop him or get in his way not even his sister Berneice. The two siblings argued over who would keep the piano many days. Berneice said that there was no way they were getting rid of the beautiful piano which had been in the family for so long. Boy Willie did not care what Berneice said because he was going to have that piano, he even tried to have it removed from the house! Now the piano served as an item for sibling rivalry. However in the end Boy Willie ended up changing his mind because he realized the importance of the piano once Berneice began to play so he allowed her to keep the piano. In conclusion the lesson that the piano served in The Piano Lesson was that family should always come first. Family is something that can not be replaced so do not jeopardize your relationship with your family because it is not worth it. If an item means so much to a family member that they would go and get a gun to shoot you let them keep whatever it is that they want. Do not encourage them to use the gun and shoot you!!