Motivation is internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested in and committed to a job, role, or subject, and to exert persistent effort in attaining a goal. Motivation is the energizer of behavior and mother of all action. It results from the interactions among conscious and unconscious factors such as the intensity of desire or need, incentive or reward value of the goal, and expectations of the individual and of his or her significant others
Maslow’s classic hierarchy of needs model proposed that there are five fundamental needs which are arranged in a ‘hierarchy of prepotency’. Maslow argued that needs form a hierarchy in the sense that, when no needs are fulfilled, a person concentrates upon their physiological needs. When these needs are fulfilled, safety needs become preponderant and important determinants of behaviour. When these are satisfied, belongingness becomes important and so up the hierarchy. Although Maslow’s belief that one set of needs only become important after lower older needs have been completely satisfied has been criticised. This theory highlights the perhaps obvious point that a satisfied need is not a motivator of behaviour. A salesperson who already receives a more than adequate level of remuneration may not be motivated by additional payments. The theory implies that what may act as a motivator for one salesperson may not be effective for another. This follows from the likelihood that different salespeople will have different combinations of needs. Effective motivation results from an accurate assessment of the needs of the individual salesperson under the manager’s supervision. The overriding need for one salesperson may be reassurance and the building of confidence; this may act to motivate him/her, for another with a great need for esteem, the sales manager may motivate by highlighting outstanding performance at a sales meeting. A, Capehart
References: A, Capehart (2009) Elements of salesperson control: an organization theory perspective; Journal of business & Industrial Marketing, vol 24, no.2. I L, Densten (2002) Clarifying inspirational motivation and its relationship to extra effort; Leadership and organization Development Journal, vol 23, no.1. J W Jlocum (1986) Career stages approach to managing the salesforce; Journal of Consumer Marketing, vol 3, no.4. L J Mullins (1985) The process of Motivation; Indistrial management and data systems, vol 85, no. ¾. W H Murphy (1995) Salespersons perceptions about sales contests: towards a greater understanding; European Journal of Marketing, vol 29, no.13. G B Rabey (2001) Motivation in Response; Industrial & Commersial Training, vol 33, no.1.