Admittedly, many would argue that the legalization of organ markets is both morally ethical and beneficial for the country. For example, some citizens feel it is the American way to allow people be free to auction their individual organs and do whatever they desire with their bodies. Additionally, many plainly declare that sale would increase the supply and not diminish the percentage of altruistic donation (Rothman 70). Finally, advocators for legalization state that it would be a natural incentive to help escalate the amount of donations. To summarize, supporters of organ selling believe that financial benefits might encourage people to donate and should be a normal part of a free enterprise system. Indeed, many might believe legalization of the selling of organs is beneficial. However, organ markets should continue to stay illegal in the United States because selling is unjust, promotes unhealthy greed, and devalues human life.
Initially, selling should not be legalized because it is unjust. For instance, there is a strong economic motive for low-income families to sell their organs yet none for wealthy people to do so. Likewise, the risk of coercion and exploitation, specially of poor people, is considerable. Some insist the rich have been habitually prepared to allow underprivileged individuals to do