1. Classical school of management 3 1.1 The Classical Scientific School 4 1.2 Conclusion 6 1.3 The classical administrative school 6 1.4 Conclusion 8
2. “Motivation Theories and SEMCO” 8 2.1 “McGregor’s theory X and Theory Y” 8 2.2 Victor Vroom’s expectancy theory 11 2.3 Conclusion 12
3. Discuss the Concept of Empowerment and Its Relevance to SEMCO 13 3.1 The concept of empowerment 13 3.2 Empowerment 's Relevance to SEMCO 15 3.3 Conclusion 17
4. Centaur Technologies INC Its Success/Failure 17 4.1 introduction 17 4.2 Reason which lead to the success of Centaur Company 19 4.3 Reason that might lead to the failure of the centaur company 20
5. Reference 22
1. Classical school of management
The classical school of management has developed the first formal management theory. This theory was been build up during the Industrial Revolution, the employers and managers had no idea how to provide the training to the workers or the way to decreased labour dissatisfaction. (Cliffs Notes.com, 2000-2011) The company works by itself, it insists to separate from the labour. The classical management theory was invented during this era of revolution to solve new problems which were related to the factory. “According to the result, the classical school of management theory was a good solution which was developed from their hard-work of thoughts to look for the “one best way” to perform and manage tasks.” (Patrick & Bruce, Pg. 11 2000) SEMCO achieved its success without the leadership of a charismatic CEO. From my understanding, SEMCO’s management is differing to the classical school of management. There are two different types of the classical school of management which are The Classical Scientific School and The Administrative School. Each theory describes its own principle of management, in short the classical scientific management theory help focused on the productivity of individuals where in administrative management