There is many seminar that give a lot of good information need by us, but the only seminar that captured my intention is Seminar Discover Malaysia : Your Muslim Friendly Destination organized by Tourism Islamic Malaysia. The seminar attract me because there is many Muslims travelers looking a travel destination that can give them a halal food to eat and facility for them to pray such as mosque. This seminar promote Malaysia as a destination for a Muslim travelers and this is what attract me the most.
Islamic tourism in Southeast Asia is steadily increasing in popularity especially with the increase of Muslim tourist arrivals in the region, with Muslim countries such as Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia benefitting most from this increase.
Realising the timely need for a bilateral cooperation to further discuss matters pertaining to the sustainability of Muslim tourist arrivals in these countries, Islamic Tourism Centre (ITC) establishes the Joint Seminar on Islamic Tourism (JoSIT), an international seminar on Islamic tourism conducted on a bilateral basis, between ITC which represents Malaysia and a recognised body of another interested country. At the moment, due to similarities in culture and lifestyles, JoSIT is exclusive to South East Asian countries.
JoSIT’s speakers consist of industry experts from each participating country. Besides being a platform for industry players from participating countries to share experiences and best practices in Islamic tourism, this seminar also presents an excellent opportunity for those involved to meet and network with each other, thus strengthening bilateral ties as well as stimulate mutual growth in Islamic tourism within these countries. Besides helping to promote Malaysia’s tourism products and services, this seminar also pushes ITC to the forefront of Islamic tourism promotion within the region.
Why this Seminar is Interesting to Attract
References: 1. Seminar 2. Content APPENDIX