Unit 7 Seminar Makeup: Assignment
During the Unit 7 Seminar, the topic was about survey and data collections. The first thing that the professor mentioned was about how when we all first started this class how we all thought it was tough. Now we are all over that hump and are now on the last two elements of the courses as discussed by Professor Lim. We learned that reliability and validity are an important part of research during the seminar and it’s the reason why we are taking the final paper into steps so at the end it will all come together. Following the True or False questions during the seminar, we learned the basic terms in survey research: survey research, questionnaire, interview schedule, respondent, and response rate. After going over this information we talked about Survey and Data Collection. It all depends on the research topic. The variables to be measured are the independent and dependent variables. It was also important that during the seminar we learned that the focus group is the group that is being researched. The professor used an example as in the presidential debate when you have different representatives from each political group such as the democratic and republican parties that answer the questions and hold the microphone. These are a prime example of the focus group. I also learned during the seminar that quantitative is administered using close ended questions in a given survey, relies on random sampling, observes and records well-defined events, and obtains relevant data from management information systems. The seminar this week was excellent because data collection is the most important thing for everyone in this class over the next three weeks because it is what’s going to conclude our final project for this class. With that being said, I have a better understanding of the different types of research as proposed in the seminar as