Communication & Culture
Colour- When you overview the magazine the main themes of the colours which are featured are linked to the models dress. The back colour of the dress is a plain nude colour; however it is embellished with sequins ranging from, red, emerald green, teal and pink. The text and background on the cover of the magazine is influenced by these colours. The title featured, which is red and bold, associates with sensuality and passion which is presented in the models facial expression; she also has red nails and lipstick which is also a bold red, this creates a sensual feel. The theme of the magazine links well with the magazine as the date of issue is in December, this time of year is all about celebrating and partying.
Target Audience- the target audience of this magazine is aimed at modern women, aged 18-35 as some of the content can be explicit, and for example it goes into detail about sex and people experiences. It can be deemed to attract upper middle classed women, as the content is about how to ‘look’ good, which would make women want to take pride on their appearance. The fashion styles that are featured would attract wealthy woman as the brands can range from Topshop to Zara and even Catwalk brands.
Icon- The icon that is featured in the article is a picture of a young female in a sequin dress. This could be connoted as a female getting ready for a night out/party. However the audience may associate this different with perspectives depending on the individual. The icon is Miley Cyrus who is a famous singer and can be considered an idol for young girls.
Index- The models is indexical due to her facial expression and the positioning of her hand , this indicates that she feels confident or even so ‘sexy’. Also the models dress can be perceived as indexical because it can indicate luxury and wealth; this is clear by the nude colour of the dress as it creates an effect that all she is wearing is jewels. The positioning of