During this school year you will write a series of essays FOR CREDIT which will culminate in a book known as the Senior Memory Book. It will consist of your memories and thoughts from your entire life. This Senior Memory Book will be due for 150 points of EXTRA CREDIT in late April. NO STUDENT IS EXEMPT FROM THE MONTHLY ESSAYS which will count towards quarterly grades. ONLY STUDENTS DESIRING EXTRA CREDIT FOR THE 4TH QUARTER WILL TURN IN A COMPLETED BOOK. ALL students are required to turn in one page which is typed and double spaced by the assigned due date the following chapters.
Chapter 1: “Who Am I?” (Who are you? What is your ethnic background? What are your life goals? How do you expect to reach these …show more content…
Who did you hang out with and where? What were some of the things you Did for fun in your neighborhood? Due 11/5 and 11/6
Chapter 4: “I Wish I Could See ____ Again” (Write about a childhood friend who you have no contact with anymore, and would like to see again or write about someone who has died and you would like to see again. Due 12/2 and 12/3
Chapter 5: “Middle School” (Getting accustomed to “big kids”, different teachers, friends, activities, successes, and heartbreaks). What were you like in Middle School compared to the way you are now? Due 1/7 and 1/8
Chapter 6: “I’m Really in Love This Time, Mom” (Your first serious romance or you
May write about something you are really passionate about). Due 2/3 and 2/4
Chapter 7: “Let’s Take a Vacation” (A memorable trip you took with your family or friends or a trip you would like to take). Due 3/3 and 3/4
Chapter 8: “High School: (Your freshman, sophomore, junior and senior years in high school: highlights, troubles, successes, heartbreaks, friends, teachers, coaches, and anything else noteworthy) Due 4/1 and …show more content…
The final product will be presented to me in a scrap book format. You may use a three ring loose-leaf binder, scrapbook, or folder. Whether you need a folder of a half inch or a three inch binder will depend upon how much you put into this memory book. Your binder may have drawings and pictures pasted on the outside cover, inside cover, and throughout the book if you wish. You may buy one of the binders which have a clear plastic sheet cover behind which you may place sheets of paper or pictures.
The minimum length for each chapter is one page not including pictures on the page. If your Senior Memory Book is complete and shows creativity and thought, your project will earn up to 150 points of extra credit. The more thorough and creative you are in decorating your book and pages with drawings, pictures, photographs, the higher your grade will be. If your Senior Memory Book does not contain all corrected chapters, you will receive a lower grade regardless of how fancy it is. Any book that is “junk” will not receive extra