& Christina Meyers
CET 402L
Senior Project
Prof. Kavianpour
DeVry University
Spring 2005
Project Proposal
Due: April 8, 2005 Table of Contents:
Executive Summary .........1
Introduction . .........2
Project Operation .........7
Project Scheduling (Gannt Chart) .. .......11
Bill of Materials .. .......13
Future Use and Expansion .. .......14
Hardware Schematics .........15
Hardware and Software Block Diagrams ..........18
Bibliography ..................20
Executive Summary:
The objective of our senior project is to develop portable lab equipment and software interface for first year college students. The idea of our project is to allow portability and convenience for students to perform basic electronic labs at home. It is meant as a learning tool to generate a comprehensive, hands-on guide for students to use on their own time, while still being cost effective. Our project will utilize the 68HC12 Axiom board, custom built variable power supply and function generator, LCD, and keypad, interfaced with a PC using custom built oscilloscope software and a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Our project will employ a high level programming language using C++ for the development of the oscilloscope data, graphs, and mathematical operations. Our project will use Visual Basic to develop the GUI that will display information and allow a menu selection for the components being used, such as the waveform and frequency. It will also incorporate Assembly language to communicate between the 68HC12 and the PC.
Block Diagram:
The project will first require a password using the keypad and displaying a confirmation on the LCD. It will then require the setting of the desired voltage on the power
Bibliography: Aminian, Ali and Marian. "Electronic Devices." Pearson. 2004.