There is a company out there that provides free information and referrals to seniors and their family about different community and government services that are provided for seniors. This company is called
Senior Information and Assistance or SIA. SIA is provided by the government to help seniors find out information that they might need to know. This service is provided to the residents of Tacoma, Puyallup, University Place, Lakewood and the rest of Pierce County. There is also an interpreter for those who do not speak English.
SIA provides four basic services to seniors. If a senior were to call looking for a phone number or an address for the nearest floral shop or bus station, the employees at SIA can help seniors find this information. SIA also provides lists for different housing companies and other services for seniors. The third service that SIA provides is they refer seniors to medical companies such as Medicare, Social Security, and meals on wheels, transportation, …show more content…
As well as providing help on how to deal with loss of health, loss of spouse, loss or decrease in income. CIA also provides referrals to organizations that have case managers who assist people to figure out what services they may be eligible for, help with application forms for services, and/or help to make a plan for contingencies. The amount of assistance available to each caller depends on many variables, such as income, savings, level of disability or geographic area in which they