In recent years, there has been the debate on whether or not seniors should have to take finals. When most people were freshmen, seniors didn’t have to take finals if they met the requirements. When people were sophomores, seniors didn’t have to take finals if they met the requirements. When people were junior, seniors didn’t have to take finals if they met the requirements. Now those freshmen are now seniors, they have to take finals. Those freshmen, now seniors, had been looking forward to not taking finals at the end of their senior year. Now those hopes are crushed unless the policy is changed. It should be said that high school students should not be required to take finals in their senior year of high school with some requirements that have to be met to be exempted from finals.
Seniors should not have to take finals because they have been in school for the past 12 years of their lives. The past four years especially should have prepared them for college. If students don’t prepare for school now, they’ll never be prepared for college. The people who procrastinate when they have homework in high school will procrastinate in college as well. Students will carry on their habits, whether they are good or bad, when they go to college. Students who have achieved an 'A' before finals should be able to exempt from final exams in that class. They have already shown that they understand the material. Obtaining a good mark takes much more than testing. In order to get an 'A' in a class, a student must demonstrate good work ethic throughout the entire semester, doing homework on a regular basis, paying attention diligently, and thoroughly understanding the material.
“While the studying and the final itself may reinforce the information, a high-scoring student has displayed that they already know it through consistent high marks. If the material has already been understood, taking the final could be seen as a