The connection to place in “as you like it” is the natural setting of the forest of Arden. Within the forest a sense of belonging is established for the characters through comparison. “more sweet the painted pomp… more free than that of the envious court”. The comparison present in this compares the forest to the court, setting the forest as a happier, less restrictive place. Also through the connotation linked with the word “envious” we see how the court is a place of wrong values and where the natural order is upset.
The Sense of belonging is again brought up for characters through the use of imagery. “free from public taunt… tongues in trees, … sermons in stones”. Through this imagery we see the forest as a place “free from public taunt” where the characters can learn better values from the forest. The forest is personified as a teacher with “tongues in trees” and “sermons in stones”, the end of this line “and good in everything” is used to …show more content…
He is shown as an oddity through his “strange friends and peculiar thoughts.” The “ice” is mumbles homeland and is where he feels the strongest sense of belonging this is shown through his optimism and hope, which he expresses through his tap dancing, and his curiosity in “aliens”. Even in the worst of times of isolation and alienation from the emperor penguin community we see hope and optimism in his voice, eyes and posture. It is only when mumble is removed from his homeland and put in captivity that all hope is exhausted from