This project is an ultra-sensitive LPG sensor that generates loud beeps when it senses any gas leakage. It detects vapours of liquefied petroleum gas anywhere between 200 and 10,000 ppm and drives a pies buzzer to catch attention for immediate action. The buzzer beeps until the concentration of gas in the air decreases to a safe level. The circuit uses an MQ6 gas sensor, which is designed to sense LPG, propane and isobutene gases.
Circuit and working
Fig. 1 shows the circuit of the LPG sensor. The circuit is built around 5V volt age regulator 7805 (IC1), gas sensor MQ6 (GS1), counter IC 4060 (IC2) and a few discrete components. GS1 is a six-pin gas sensor that can detect very small traces of LPG in the air and has a swift response time. However, it
Has very less sensitivity to alcohol and smoke. The sensor’s output is in the form of resistance. As indicated in Fig. 1, the pins of GSI are H, A and B, two each on it her side. H pins are for the heater with no polarity. Input pins A or B and output pins A or B can be connected it her way round. The coil heater inside the sensor can be easily heated with 5V DC. If pin A is connected to 5V DC through variable resistor VR1, use pin B as the output or vice versa. Both A and B pins can be shorted. In short, H pins are connected to positive and negative rails, A or B pin to 5V DC, and B o r A for output.
The resistance value of GSI is different for various kinds and concentration of gases. So when using this sensor sensitivity arrangement is very important. For accurate detection, it is necessary to calibrate the sensor for 1000 ppm of LPG concentration in the air with load resistance of about 10-47 kilo-ohms. Pre-set VR1 is used to adjust the sensitivity of the sensor to a particular gas concentration. Output from the sensor is connected to the base of transistor T1, which acts as a switch to trigger the alarm gene rat or built around