Define the term sensitive periods
Sensitive periods are a period in a child’s life where they are obsessed with certain aspects of learning without any particular reason. This period is an optimum time for development and children can really develop specific abilities and skills. When children are in their sensitive periods and working with any activity, they will not show any signs of fatigue and will repeat the activity a number of times. These periods last for a certain amount of time; however the child may eventually lose interest and may move on to another activity. Development changes will not occur unless there is some kind of maturational process. It is essential to support the child’s sensitive period through the environment Montessori explains that “If no help is given to a child, if his environment is neglected, his psychic life will be in constant danger.” (Montessori, 1966 p. 45)
1 The sensitive period to order appears in the first month of the child’s life. Order in
the child’s environment helps them to organise their perception of the world. A child
may repeatedly put things or dose things in a certain order. For instance, a child may
organise their toys in colour code way or always repeatedly put their toys away in
the same order. Order makes the child feel secure and safe if disrupted he may feel
2 Sensitive period of movement occurs from the time of birth and walking occurs from
the age of one. During this period child is constantly moving for long periods of time.
He learns how to balance, negotiate space while working in the favourable
environment. The favourable environment in all creates opportunities to refine
a child’s fine and gross motor skills. E.g. A child may enjoy running for no apparent
reason for long periods of time.
3 Sensitive period for socialization occurs by around the age of three years old. This is the period when children become aware that they are part of a