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Ryan, Professional Researcher
Category: Business Law
Satisfied Customers: 2066
Experience: I only answer questions I 'm got an answer from me it 's because I kno
Questions 1 to 20 Select the best answer to each question.
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Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question.
Which one of the following sentences contains an unnecessary
A. Why don 't you leave before the crowd arrives?
B. The snake raised up its head and struck.
Ryan is online now
C. She left early, though he told her not to.
D. Rich was angry, but he concealed his feelings.
Choose the connective that belongs in the blank. She left the party early. Next she went to a movie. _______ she went hom
A. Next
B. Meanwhile
C. Finally
D. First
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Which of the following topics would lend itself only to a formal style of writing?
9/18/14 8:03 AM
Questions 1 to 20 Select the best answer to each question.
A. Folk Songs I Have Sung
B. Psychological Effects of Nuclear Weapons
C. How I Lost 10 Pounds
D. Why Living in the Country Is Better Than Living in the City
Choose the connective that belongs in the blank in the following sentence. I like to play baseball. _______, I can 't throw a b
A. However
B. In fact
C. For instance
D. Besides
Which of the following sentences has a compound predicate?
A. She raced along the path to beat him to the beach.
B. While he swam, she collected shells.
C. She washed the shells and dried them