Introduction to Literature, Josh Beach
Date: 2012-7-18 An analysis of Fathers and Sons and Russian society in 19th century Russian society drastically changing in 19th century due to the “abolishment of the serfdom’’. In the middle of the 19th century Alexander II came to power and he thoroughly abolished serfdom in Russia which “ending the monopoly of landed aristocracy’’. The abolishment of the serfdom had a huge impact towards changing of the Russian society in 19th century because it “pushes the free labor to the cities’’ as well as “stimulating the development of industry’’ and finally “contributing to a growing middle class. (History of Russia, Wikipedia). While the abolishment of the serfdom is …show more content…
In the past, parents act a distinct role in “facilitating children’s learning and development” as well as “control children’s needs and their physical movement” (Liu 56). It represents that parents have extreme domination and authority over children. But now children have the power and authority over their parents, because they embrace new idea and perspective outside the world. One typical instance is that when “Bazarov throwing back the collar of his coat showed his full face to Nikolai” (Turgenev 77), which shows that Bazarov don’t care his elder at all, instead contemptuously treating Nikolai. This reflects that the role of parents and children completely changing in Russian society during 19th …show more content…
One example showing that Arkady is not pleased with Bazarov because he has been so critical of Fenichika and Nikolai, as Arkady refuted hotly that he don’t “consider his father wrong from that point of view’’ and he thought there is no problem that his father “ought to marry Fenichka”. Bazarov replies that “What noble-minded fellows we are!” and he consider Arkady still “attach importance to marriage” (Turgenev 115). From this dialogue it can see that this is an ironic twist that two young boy has very traditional idea than their father, unlike parents that essentially had old fashion idea. The two boys unexpectedly have old idea, which implies that they have the same power as their parents have, and then they can have authority over their parents. Another scene which reveals children has more power than parents is that Bazarov’s father “began embracing his son” as soon as the carriages stops, and Bazarov’s mother “gave a moan, staggered and would certainly have fallen had not Bazarov support her” (Turgenev 192), which portrays that parents are really happy to see their children, however the children were not that happy even expressionless. Because the children have the power and they don’t fear the parents thus they have such no feelings towards their parents. Lastly example refers to when Bazarov had a conversation with Arkady about his parents are “so busy” and Bazarov