This experiment was conducted to observe the behaviour of a primate, to see the innate and learnt behaviour that the white cheeked gibbon showed. To complete this experiment all that had to be done was to observe a primate that lived in a group for half an hour, and record the behaviour of the animal every 30 seconds. This should be completed twice to get more accurate results and to see if the animal has different behaviours in the morning and in the afternoon. It was shown that in the morning the white cheeked gibbon was more lazy and relaxed compared to the afternoon where it was hyper and would continually be jumping and swinging around. So the white cheeked gibbon was seen to show a various amount of behaviours, learnt and innate behaviours.
The Nomascus Levcogenys, also known as the White Cheeked Gibbon is found in Laos, South China and Vietnam. When in the wild they live in a rain/monsoon forest canopy habitat. The life span of the White Cheeked Gibbon is about 25 to 30 years but sadly the Gibbon is critically endangered. The White Cheeked Gibbon is an omnivore. When in the wild it eats fruit, leaves and small invertebrates but when in the zoo it will eat monkey chow, fruit and vegetables, they love their tomatoes. White cheeked gibbons are diurnal animal’s, which means they are asleep when the sun is down and awake when the sun is up. These Gibbon are also arboreal, and spend most of their time up high in the trees, swinging in the canopy. When predators are about, defence calls are made for each different predator from the edges and centre of their territory. Whether the predator is from the floor or sky there is always a gibbon on the lookout. A group of gibbons or monkeys are called a tribe of gibbons or monkeys. In the tribe of gibbons grooming is a very common social action. The conception period of a white-cheeked gibbon is 200-212 days. The white-cheeked gibbon can mate any time, any place- even when they are just