Michael E. Eidenmuller, in his book Great Speeches described the situation: “In addressing the American people on an event of national scope, Reagan would play the role of national eulogist. In that role, he would need to imbue the event with life-affirming meaning, praise the deceased, and manage a gamut of emotions accompanying this unforeseen and yet unaccounted-for disaster. As national eulogist, Reagan would have to offer redemptive hope to his audiences, and particularly to those most directly affected by the disaster” (Eidenmuller,…
The speech was delivered by Dr. David Dockery, the President of Trinity International University on November 10, 2016 at 7pm in the Belin Chapel of Houston Baptist University. He started with an opening remarks and appreciation to the Board of Houston Baptist University. He proceeded to explain how religion has been used as a form of identify in 1950s in United States of America. He stated that in the 1950s immigrants’ identify themselves by the denomination they belong. He explained that there were three major denomination, the Catholic, Presbyterian and Jews. He said immigrants’ were encourage to change their language to English but not their religion.…
In Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards, he delivers rhetorical devices to persuade his audience. The rhetorical devices he conveys to create a persuasive speech includes : metaphor, figurative language, and analogy to create a stylistic device to illustrate his audience that he warn people of their condemnation . Edwards point of view throughout this speech was to create this imagery full of misery what God can do. In addition, he wants us to create this image that there is no end to this exquisite horrible misery. Nothing we can accomplish to escape this world of cruelty. Nothing we can execute to escape this world of cruelty.…
The clouds do little to shade the ground as the sun shines through them as if nothing is attempting to block sun’s rays. I allow myself to stand for a moment, warming myself – the air inside the school is set to such a low temperature, that some students a jacket on a hot day. Smoke fills the air, especially the areas surrounding the grilling station by the soccer field. The scent of charred beef and pork is noticeable from quite a distance away. The more I walk towards the grilling station, the more the pungent aroma of smoke and cooked meat fill my nostrils. I reach the grill and a teacher I do not recognize, obviously from the upper levels, offers me an empty paper plate. “Thank you.” I say, with a look of nervousness plastered on my face. I am not yet comfortable with meeting new people, and small encounters like this one are no exceptions. No matter, I have my plate and I make my way towards the grill to receive my special…
November 11th, 1998 King James is elected to run the country of Houston. Houston was a decent sized country with a population of 1.5 million people. Everybody loved King James because of the way he could speak. He influenced people with his choice of words. One day something bad happened. King James was assassinated in his house while he was sleeping. The murderer broke through his window and shot him. They still to this day have never found out who was the cause for this.…
The beliefs of Martin Luther stated that every individual possessed their own relationship with God. This statement is prevalent in Luther’s work, “The Sermon on Good Works”. In this piece of writing, Luther stated that only faith in God would get an individual salvation. Good works, acts made throughout life to better something or someone, would not help a person receive salvation. This went against the Catholic Church’s doctrine, which stated that an individual would receive God’s grace and salvation by accomplishing these Good Works. Essentially, Luther’s statements were revolutionary. To rally against a prevalent theme in the popular religion was a brave, if not inspired way to introduce a different method of thought.…
I can still recall the first time I heard a sermon on the valley of dry bones, taken from the book of Ezekiel chapter 37. I was around six or seven years old at Greater Salem Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky, were the Rev. T.B. Boyd was painting a picture of this valley full of dry dead bones toss around like dolls all over valley. I can still hear him as he talk about how depressing and dismal the sight was, dead dry bones as far as the eyes could see, bone after bone and they were dead. After a brief pulse, he would raise several questions: Is there any hope in this situation? Can these bones live again? In addition, he would expound on the conversation God had with Ezekiel regarding whether the bones could live again. Rev. Boyd would…
The vitality of the human race is dependent on its primitive sense of fear. We fear of losing our safety and security. Inherently, fear is avoided at all costs, therefore it is an effective use of persuasion. Fear is one of the most important motivation tools because its effectiveness is proven in Christianity, marketing, and scientific findings.…
Presenting the gospel to Hee I ask her a question “If you were standing in front of God right now…
Evangelism is a passion of mine and this semester has helped me to develop more as a person and strengthen my passion for evangelism. Usually when you hear the word Evangelism most of the time, you will start to fear because of rejection. During my Christian walk, sometimes I have experienced the fear of rejection as it relates to Evangelism. However, this semester has taught me not to fear." Evangelism is standing up for your faith even if everyone else remains seated 1(Earley and Wheeler p.32)". This semester I have learned and developed new perceptions and challenges about evangelism, which has challenged my way of thinking. At first glance, when you hear or see the word evangelism you immediately think about sharing the gospel and that is true. That is only one part of Evangelism because listening is very important as well. This has caused me to think differently about Evangelism because now I understand how important it is to listen to people while witnessing. Evangelism can be challenging but the way I look at it now is that I have a part in fulfilling the great commission at all cost. Evangelism is about relationship building that involves changing a person ability to trust and receive the gospel. This course has reminded me that Evangelism does not come without great sacrifice. It requires you putting forth effort and work to share gospel with someone that does not believe. Anytime you deal with people and sharing the gospel you have to be patient. It has challenged me to become an effective witness for Christ because as I grow spiritually it is a reflection of Christ. This semester has reminded me that there has to be a balance between the incarnational and information Apologetics. Many people say that…
Lunch was over and students were filing into the classroom. As soon as we got inside the atmosphere felt really uncomfortable. I looked to the second row of desks and saw Katrina, a long-time friend, digging through her desk, Mrs. Nakigawa, our homeroom teacher, looking over her shoulder with concern.…
Pastor Nonoy could have avoided this frustrating experience for everyone, if he thoughtfully considered how he should have taught his chosen material “Know what you believe” in an intelligible and inspiring manner to his students, instead of focusing on curriculum assumption. If I were Pastor Nonoy, the first thing I would do to know my students in the “Bible study” program was to invite all the participants to a snack party, prior to the formal scheduled date of teaching. My purpose here is not only to gather the participants, but it is my great desire to establish a good communication relationship with them. This experience, I believe, would give me a leeway to ask the participants simple questions in order to know them individually, their…
Jonathon Edwards, in his sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, influences his congregation through rhetoric that contains a strong pathos appeal.…
What are some ways the Christian gospel is perceived in our culture? The Christian gospel is perceived in today’s culture as offensive and exclusive instead of the inclusive gospel that it is because of the sin nature of man. As simple as the gospel message is, it seems to be the hardest to accept because to be honest it is hard for people to view themselves as sinners in the sight of God. I was once one of those people that believed I was saved because I gave my life to Christ at the age of five, but then strayed away as I got older. I thought I was a good person, I didn’t steal, hadn’t killed anyone so I was good in my own eyes, but to the standards of our holy god, I was sin sick and needed saving. It was not until I decided I could not live by my own strength, my own wisdom, or by my own desires any longer and I cried out to God, God I can’t do this anymore, please help me, tell me what to do, what you want out of my life, I can’t figure it out on my own.…
The famous Sermon on the Mount delivered by Jesus is considered to be one of the main focal points of the entire religions moral belief system. It delivers many applicable methods to approach salvation and the lifestyles choices/fruits that come along with embracing God’s grace and sacrifice. Jesus gave this sermon at an early point during His ministry. In the previous two chapters, Jesus was baptized, gathered His disciples and gained more of a following throughout Syria. Once Jesus noticed his following, He traveled up the mountain and began teaching His disciple’s. I think that specific part at the beginning of verse two in chapter five is extremely important. It shows that Jesus is targeting only His specific group of followers yet it ended with a a large amount of people that came to listen. This sermon shows great symbolism of how actual salvation works. It is made for the specific but is offered to many.…