In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spoke of several “ethical” theories. These theories were humility, charity and brotherly love. These principals would shape and mold the system of values for the value system for Western civilization. Thus the importance to Christians as this is the foundation for Christianity and the teaching of Christ.
The Sermon on the Mount draws its name from the fact that Jesus delivered this sermon while standing on the mountain. This message is a moral teaching containing a sincere devotion to God, and compassion toward others. The emphasis is on the heart. It is to the heart that Jesus directs his …show more content…
. . But I say that if anyone is angry with his brother, he will be worthy of judgment. And if anyone says to his brother, "Empty-headed," he will be answerable to the Sanhedrin [the Jewish high court]. But if anyone says, "You fool," he will be in danger of the fire of hell. There is a change in what Jesus is attempting to teach. When Moses said, "Do not murder," he didn't just mean, "Hey, let’s try to make it through the entire day without killing anyone," but also, "Do not devalue others by thinking you are better than they are and do not harbor anger toward them." According to Jesus, devaluing others is parallel to, and ultimately the source of,