Wayne England
Sullivan University
MGT 713 – Individual & Group Behavior in Organizations
Dr. Teresa Daniel
With the retirement of the baby boomer generation approaching, companies are finding a need to replace many upper management positions. American businesses have taken a common approach to promote within and to mold and create junior level employees into the leaders that they want them to be. With this innovative approach, companies must understand and develop a strategic plan to create an effective performance management system that will enable companies to effective develop junior employees. “Among the various types of leadership styles, a growing and successful style is servant leadership” (Greenleaf, 1991). Servant leadership has resulted in positive success for the many companies that have adapted the traits and characteristics that they teach. There is an abundance of research that has been conducted on servant leadership and how companies can effectively use this type of leadership to affect change. Robert Greenleaf pioneered an abundance of research on the topic of servant leadership and has completed multiple research on the topic. The purpose of this research proposal is to examine the different types of approaches of leadership used in employee development and the impacts that they have on their organizations. A qualitative research project will then be conducted on servant leadership and its effect on employee development and performance management comparing and contrasting the benefits of this approach with others.
In order for the economy to improve and for business to increase, companies need to have employees that can believe in their organizational leadership. “Trust is the foundation of leadership.” (Maxwell, 1998, p. 65). Followers care much less about what their leaders know, until they know that they care
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