
Service Management

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Service Management
Student ID: 0560943 / Service Management: Transforming Service Organisations

This is to certify that the work I am submitting is my own. All external references and sources are clearly acknowledged and identified within the contents. I am aware of the University of Warwick regulation concerning plagiarism and collusion. No substantial part(s) of the work submitted here has also been submitted by me in other assessments for accredited courses of study, and I acknowledge that if this has been done an appropriate reduction in the mark I might otherwise have received will be made.

Introduction The chosen organisation is Travelodge, the hotel chain. This organisation has been chosen due to the researcher’s prior experience of working for this company during holidays and prior to going to university. The researcher worked on the check in / customer service desk, and so has specific experience of the customer service process that occurs in the company. The specific service experience will be service failure and recovery, with the chosen tool being complaint handling. This tool has again been chosen due to the researcher’s prior experience of working on the customer service desk, where complaint handling was one of the main areas of focus for the company, and where the ability to handle complaints was a vital part of the researcher’s role.

Methodology Saunders et al discuss a number of possible research methodologies and research strategies1. Of these, the three which are most relevant in the case of this research are surveys, case studies and action research. Surveys are one of the most widely used research methods as they “allow the collection of a large amount of data from a sizeable population in a highly economical way”2. This helps researchers to collect large amounts of information in a relatively quick and cost effective way, covering the views of a large number of individuals and obtaining a good degree of coverage of a specific topic. Surveys are also

References: 1. Anupam, K. Dangayach, G. and Rakesh, J. (2011) Critical Factors of Service Failure and Corresponding Recovery System. Advances in Management; Jul2011, Vol. 4 Issue 7, p39-44 2. Bradley, G. and Sparks, B. (2012) Explanations: if, when, and how they aid service recovery. Journal of Services Marketing; 2012, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p41-51 3. Casado-Diaz, A. B. and Nicolau-Gonzalbez, J. L. (2009) Explaining consumer complaining behaviour in double deviation scenarios: the banking services. Service Industries Journal; Vol. 29, Issue 12, p. 1659-1668. 4. Hui, M. Ho, C. and Wan, L. (2011) Prior Relationships and Consumer Responses to Service Failures: A Cross-Cultural Study. Journal of International Marketing; Mar2011, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p59-81 5. Lin, W. B. (2009) Exploration of lead factors affecting service recovery. Service Industries Journal; Vol. 29, Issue 11, p. 1529-1546. 6. Robson, C. (2002) Real World Research: 2nd edition. Oxford: Blackwell. 7. Saunders, M. Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2003) Research Methods for Business Students: 3rd edition. London: Pearson Education. 8. Saunders, M. Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2007) Research Methods for Business Students: 4th edition. Harlow: Pearson Education. 9. Stake, R. (2000) Case studies. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.) Handbook of qualitative research (2nd edition. p435-454). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 10. Vázquez-Casielles, R. Suárez Álvarez, L. and Díaz Martín, A. M. (2010) Perceived justice of service recovery strategies: Impact on customer satisfaction and quality relationship. Psychology & Marketing; Vol. 27, Issue 5, p. 487-509. For internal use only

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