The founder of Sikhism was Guru Nanak. Sikhism stands for casteless society and preaches thahe Holy Book Of Sikhism is Guru Granth Sahib
Guru Gobind Singh declared before his departure to the heavenly abode that this Holy Granth would be the spiritual guide for Sikhs.
Guru Gobind Singh made Khalsa (Sikh common wealth), a full-fledged nation and taught them to perform the noble duty of defending their motherland Guru Gobind Singh, the last among the Gurus (1666-1708) initiated the Baptism Ceremony.
By the time of tenth Guru
Guru Gobind Singh, the Sikhs had to defend themselves from Muslim persecution and Guru Gobind Singh organized his followers into a military order called Khalsa which literally means "pure". Sikh men and women were initiated into the Khalsa by sharing a drink of sweetened water called "Amrit" a symbol of loyalty to God. After initiation, they are given the name Singh (Lion).In this religion, it is obligatory for all Sikh men to always have five K's. Kesh,
Kirpan, Kada, Kachcha and Kanghi (long hair, small sword; iron bangle drawer, and a comb).t all people stand equal. Guru Nanak was born into a hindu family. Later he said that there is only one
God and criticised Hindu and Muslim religious sectarianisms
The Sikhs
The Afghan defeat of the Maratha armies accelerated the breakaway of Punjab from Delhi and helped the founding of Sikh overlordship in the northwest.Rooted in the bhakti movements that developed in the second century B.C. but swept across North India during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Sikh religion appealed to the hard-working peasants.The Sikh khalsa (army of the pure) rose up against the economic and political repressions in Punjab toward the end of Aurangzeb's rule. Guerrilla fighters took advantage of