Module leader: Dr Louise Boulter
Evaluating the purpose, applications and limitations of a range of service marketing management concepts, theories and techniques
Done by
Skaiste Petkelyte
Assignment 1
Due 8th of December
2049 words
Introduction 3
Service Concept 4
What is Service Concept? 4
Purpose of Service Concept 4
Application of Service Concept 4
Limitations of Service Concept 5
Understanding Customer Types 6
Who is the customer? 6
Purpose of Understanding Customer Types 6
Application of Understanding Customer Types 7
Limitations of Understanding Customer Types 7
SERVQUAL – customer expectations and perceptions 8
What is service quality? 8
What does SERVQUAL stands for? 8
Purpose of SERVQUAL 8
Application of SERVQUAL 9
Limitations of SERVQUAL 9
Conclusion 10
Appendix 11
Bibliography 15
To begin with, service can be described in thousand different words; for instance, Oxford Dictionary (2014) describes service as the action of helping or doing work for someone or an act of assistance, whereas Robert Johnston (et. all, 2012) describes service as an activity – a process or a set of steps – which involves the treatment of a customer or one’s belongings, where the customer is involved and performs some role in the service process. That shows that the service mean different things depending on the type of service that is being provided – it can be an experience or just a process. For this reason, some of the service management ideas, theories and techniques have to be applied while opening up new markets or differentiating the organisation from the competition.
In this essay service management ideas, theories and techniques, which includes service concept, understanding customer types and SERVQUAL – customer expectations and perceptions, specifically with reference to purpose, application and limitations and with regard to how they might contribute to the success of a service
Bibliography: Brown Stephen; Gummesson Evert; Edvardson Bo; Gustavsson Bengtove (1991). Service Quality: Multidisciplinary and Multinational Perspectives. New York: Lexington Books. Page 3. Dr. R.Kavitha. (2012). Factors Influencing the Service Quality Gap between Expected Service and Perceived Service - A Study of Sri Gokulam Hospitals., Salem. International Journal of Business and Management Invention. Volume 1, Issue 1, Page 32. Francis Buttle. (1996). SERVQUAL: review, critique, research agenda.European Journal of Marketing. Volume 30, Issue 1, Pages 8-32. Harsh V. Verma (2009). Services Marketing: Text and Cases. 2nd ed. India: Pearson Education Limited. Pages 220-221st. Johnston, Robert /Clark, Graham / Shulver, Michael (2012). Service Operations Management, 4th edition. England: Pearson Education Limited. Pages 7-8th; 50-51st; 53-54th; 68-69th; 79-80th; Oxford University Press Paul Gemmel, Bart Van Looy, Roland Van Dierdonck (2003). Service Management: An Integrated Approach. 2nd ed. England: Pearson Education Limited. Page 38th. Peter Cheverton (2008). Key Account Management: Tools and Techniques for Achieving Profitable Key Supplier Status. 4th ed. Great Britain: Kogan Page Limited. Pages 23-24th. Peter Flory. (2012). Why Do Most CRM Implementations Fail? Available: Last accessed 27th Nov 2014. Sgar Chouhan. (2011). What is Servqual. Available: Last accessed 2nd Dec 2014.