Title: Connecting the Significant Social Attitudes and Historical Events of Elie Wiesel’s Night to the Present Time
Grade Level(s): 8-12
Subject Area(s): Social Studies and Language Arts
Materials Needed: Class copies of novel Night, by Elie Wiesel, ABC news video from the internet, projector, The United States Holocaust Museum article, chalkboard, chalk, construction paper, markers, paper, pencil.
1. Students will identify and analyze significant social attitudes and historical events in Elie
Wiesel’s literary memoir, Night with 100% accuracy.
2. Students will respond to a video clip of an episode of the ABC News program, What Would
You Do, to compare attitudes in the episode to attitudes which allowed the Holocaust to occur with 85% accuracy.
3. Students will compare and contrast aspects of cultural views and historical events in World
War II Germany with current domestic/global events and their prior or personal knowledge of injustice with 100% accuracy.
4. Students will make connections between historical events, current events, video media, and literature with 95% accuracy.
§110.31 English, Language Arts and Reading
1 (A) determine the meaning of grade level academic English words . . .
1 (B) analyze textual context . . . to distinguish between denotative and connotative meanings of words. 1 (C) produce analogies that describe a function of an object or its description.
1 (E) use a dictionary, glossary or thesaurus . . . to determine or confirm meanings of words or phrases . . .
2 (A) analyze how the genre of texts with similar themes shapes meaning;
2 (C) relate the figurative language of a literary work to its historical and cultural setting.
Reading Comprehension of Literary Text/Literary Nonfiction . . . .
Reading Comprehension of Literary Text/Sensory Language . . . .
Reading Comprehension of Informational Text/Culture and