When one is discriminated against for something he or she cannot change like skin color, this attack motivates these individuals to be more successful and create change. Barack …show more content…
He decided to publish his birth certificate on the White House’s website for absolute transparency, and whenever asked about this conspiracy theory he used humor by joking about the matter. Moreover, others easily could have been discouraged at the magnitude of those who believed in the Birther movement, however, Obama took this racist attack with a grain of salt, and by choosing to not amplify the conspiracy further, moved past this setback and won the presidential election. Similar to Obama, Martin Luther King Jr. is known for his avocation for African Americans rights during the Civil Rights Era by overcoming racial inequalities through peaceful protest. King, most notably known for his “I Have a Dream” speech, also started the Montgomery Bus Boycott. After the arrest of Rosa Parks, a woman who refused to give up her seat to a white man, King was motivated along with many others to protest such unethical circumstances. Although Parks was technically in the wrong for violating laws segregating african americans and caucasians, King started a boycott in which no african american rode the bus to work, school, etc. . This angered many