Each day, Beloved shows more signs which lead Sethe to believe that she resembles her daughter. It is obvious that although she killed Beloved out of love, Sethe longs to have her back. Beloved also represents the (forgotten) blacks who did not survive the Middle Passage or slavery. Once she starts setting in, she develops some of Sethe's characteristics and habits which leads the reader to believe that she indeed resembles her daughter because typically a child would develop some of the things they learned from their mother or father. Sethe loves having her daughter back so she responds to all of her requests which physically exhausts her. The theme, slavery as a destruction of one’s identity is shown throughout because slavery continues to haunt former slaves (even those in freedom). The novel contains many examples of self-alienation due to slavery. Slaves were told they were subhuman whose trade worth could be expressed in dollars. One time, Sethe saw/heard schoolteacher giving a lesson on Sethe’s “animal characteristics.” Her children also have fluctuating identities; Denver combines her identity with Beloved’s, and Beloved feels herself beginning to disintegrate. Sethe turns out to be mad when she kills her daughter, Beloved. Morrison indicates that our nation’s identity (like the characters)
Each day, Beloved shows more signs which lead Sethe to believe that she resembles her daughter. It is obvious that although she killed Beloved out of love, Sethe longs to have her back. Beloved also represents the (forgotten) blacks who did not survive the Middle Passage or slavery. Once she starts setting in, she develops some of Sethe's characteristics and habits which leads the reader to believe that she indeed resembles her daughter because typically a child would develop some of the things they learned from their mother or father. Sethe loves having her daughter back so she responds to all of her requests which physically exhausts her. The theme, slavery as a destruction of one’s identity is shown throughout because slavery continues to haunt former slaves (even those in freedom). The novel contains many examples of self-alienation due to slavery. Slaves were told they were subhuman whose trade worth could be expressed in dollars. One time, Sethe saw/heard schoolteacher giving a lesson on Sethe’s “animal characteristics.” Her children also have fluctuating identities; Denver combines her identity with Beloved’s, and Beloved feels herself beginning to disintegrate. Sethe turns out to be mad when she kills her daughter, Beloved. Morrison indicates that our nation’s identity (like the characters)