1. Jamestown was the first colony that gets found. It was there where the first permanent settlement occurs. Jamestown was a poor location for colonization. The men dug wells to obtain water, but the water they found could not drink because it was contaminated. In addition, the ground was wet and had too many mosquitos. The mosquitoes were carriers of diseases and made the settlers sick. After a year, about half of the settlers had died of disease and starvation. The Native American Indians kept the English alive providing them with food. The English were so busy trying to discover gold that they didn't bother trying to grow food. That was when Captain John Smith became leader of the Jamestown colony. He saved the colony by creating a rule, which maintained that anyone who did not work would have no right to eat. This made the colonist planted food, and they were forced to build shelters and fences to protect against any attack. These American Indians or “Amerinds”, showed them great diversity of character and attainments due to the differences in climate, soil, food, building material, and the activities necessary to preserve life. They taught the settlers how to plant and grow corn, beans, squash, etc. and also helped them to establish good relations with neighboring Indian tribes. On the other hand what the English settlers offered to Native Americans Indians was different. In exchange for food, they offered them weapons, horses, cattle, sheep, vegetables and fruits, hatchets, swords, metal pots, skillets and knives, which would give them the technological advantage over their enemies. They brought not only tools for the conquest of the wilderness, but also the forms of government, the religion, the books, and the languages of the Old World. But besides the different technologies and different lifestyles that they offered to them, the English brought with them…
Baker, C. (2011) The long, long trail: The British Army in the Great War [online] Available at: http://www.1914-1918.net/faq.htm Accessed on: 28th May 2012…
Laws were created to limit child labor, making them inconvenient to hire. New fire codes laws and safety measures implemented after the tragic incident of the factory. There was also the social gospel, which gave Christians the moral responsibility to solve social problems. The Settlement Houses movement was an incubator of the new field of social work. The women of this idea were inspired…
Despite women’s inability to vote during the Progressive era, their efforts had quite a significant impact during the period of urban reform. Harold Platt’s “Jane Addams and the Ward Boss Revisited” analyzes and presents the many ways in which women achieved influence and played a decisive role in shaping movements for urban environmental justice as well as fighting against corrupt officials and property owners who benefited from the struggles of the impoverished population. From the formation of the City Homes Association (CHA), which gathered support from wealthy women to address housing issues, to the use of public mobilization to fuel the environmental justice movement, the female activists of the Progressive era managed to open spaces for themselves and other women in order to…
Nineteenth century America was a time of urbanization, industrialization, immigration, overcrowding and as a result, poverty. During this time, social policy was relatively non-existent and financial assistance was the sole responsibility of private or public charities. Women did not have rights or economic independence, as they were typically considered the property of their husbands. During this time, a woman with three children who was abandoned by her husband would receive little or no financial assistance; she may fall under the category of the “unworthy” poor, as she was not a widow, elderly or physically disabled. The assistance of this women may have changed from the early to late nineteenth century, as feminists such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton began to advocate for social reform, and others such as Jane Adams became concerned with the social well being of women. From the beginning…
Women worked to improve the social conditions of America by fighting for morality in several areas of society. Jane Adams fought for immigration rights by starting settlement houses, where immigrants could live, they would be assisted in finding jobs, given food etc. In fact, these settlement homes also took in poverty and stricter Americans helped them get back into the mainstream of America. During the time when immigrants were discriminated against, Jane Adams gave them a place to call home in order to show them what America was reall about. Another social reform was Temperance movement. Women from all forms of life, from religious to domestic, fought for prohibition because they believed that alcohol was plaguing the nation, as well as family life. Many groups formed such as Christian Temperance League that put people from bars and begin to pray to stop drinking. Prohibition, the 18th Amendment not on,y helped family life but workers coming home to their families instead of going out to the bars, but it also helped industry, more jobs were kept because men were not getting drunk and missing work, and society as whole was more efficient…
2. The settlement house movement, begun in England, came to the United States in 1886 with the opening of the University Settlement House in New York City. 3. Women,…
Between the 1890s and World War One, reform efforts started taking place by the progressives. The progressives were not a single unified group and even had some contradicting goals. They were middle class urban dwellers and some were women. The progressives wanted to end prostitution, Americanize immigrants, antitrust legislation created, women’s suffrage, and the start of prohibition. An example of a group of progressive women who wanted to start prohibition is The Women’s Christian Temperance Union. This group was lead by Francis Willard. The goals of the Women’s Christian Temperance union were to lobby for federal aid for education, free school lunches, unions for workers, an eight-hour workday, work relief for the poor, municipal sanitation and boards of health, national transportation, strong anti-rape laws, protections against child abuse and of course prohibition. The root of Willard's argument for female suffrage was based on the platform of "Home Protection", which Willard described as "the movement...the object of which is to secure for all women above the age of twenty-one years the ballot as one means for the protection of their homes from the devastation caused by the legalized traffic in strong drink."[1] These "devastations" were the violent acts against women committed by…
Settlement Houses or Hull Houses became a major place where women worked. It also served as community centers in slum neighborhoods that provides major services to the poor such as education, medical…
At the center of Roberts' account is the First World War. Roberts' argues that before the war, most of the slum dwellers were part of an undermass. Men and women who had unskilled work, if they had any work at all, whose lives were marked by poverty and the constant quest for money to buy food or pay the rent. He dismisses those who look back on the period as some sort of golden age, arguing instead that the grinding poverty held little rosiness for most of Salford's population. Their lives were rarely happy and many people coped simply through drink, or violence.…
The Reformers attempted to reform local politics by creating Settlement Houses; Settlement houses…
Many women took jobs that were considered “dead end jobs” for men to supplement the families income. During this time, women were not paid equal wages as the men. This is still an issue today, that women and men are completing the same task in the workforce, but the men are being paid a higher salary. During the Progressive era, women with a higher skill level were hired at a salary that would be given to a man with a much lower set of skills. Another demographic change during the Progressive era was urbanization. During the Progressive era, many people moved into the city because there was more job opportunity. In the city, there were many more people per acre of land than there was in the country. This is still true today. Though it may not be factory jobs that are drawing people to the city, there are still many more job opportunities in the city than in the country. Also, there are still more people per acre in the city than in the…
While ethnic culture was still prevalent in neighborhoods, the idea for young generational immigrants to write their own future was there. Furthermore, with stories about the harmful immigrant work conditions it became a priority to change how immigrants were viewed and finally accept them into American culture. The first way, to make this possible, was by the neighborhoods that these immigrants lived in. As the immigrant neighborhoods became the prime location to infiltrate true American ideas into. This process was called Americanization and was completed by creating a system of education, and with programs called settlement houses. Houses that were set up in the middle of immigrant neighborhoods, college educated radical women provided classes for women. It was in the hopes that the women would bring back the education to their families. By teaching these women traditions, ideals and delicacies of America it was hoped that their ethnic past would “melt away”. Thus, the idea of the melting pot was created. This was the idea that if immigrants were handled the correct way, their ethnic pasts would “melt” or disappear creating protestant, Anglo-Saxon molds of true Americans. As more and more of these radical movements took place, the more people that paid attention and the more it became accepted that Immigrants could become true…
The house was just another job for women; they just were not receiving pay for the work they complete. Women often follow after the lead of their husbands during marriage. During World War II, things changed significantly while men were off at war women began working outside of the home. If you’ve noticed women are usually hired for certain jobs since they usually are considered caregivers; the jobs usually are teachers, secretaries, and nurses. This is considered to be gender stereotyping for women since they normally only hold these positions in the workforce. During the colonial times, women were not allowed to do stuff independently from their husbands. Today, women are just as likely to become doctors and engineers just as if as they are to become secretaries and nurses. Discrimination against woman establishes itself in many different ways. The number of women who hold jobs in the workforce has increased significantly through the years. Even though women are now moving up in the work environment, they are still lacking equal rights that men have because of sex and race. This will affect promotions, hiring, and pay in the work force. In the past, women did not…
A squatter settlement is an area of residence, the settlements are generally illegal because people have not got authority to build or legal ownership of land. In squatter settlements homes are generally built out of scraps (for example scrap metal and discard wood). These settlements are usually found around railway lines, waste tips and on rivers. People who live in squatter settlements work very hard just to survive, and to provide for their families. Residents of squatter settlements usually work in the informal economy and therefore earn a very small amount for long hours, and therefore many live in poverty, lacking many essential resources.…