Protagonist — Who is the protagonist in the story? What makes them the protagonist?
The protagonist in the story is
Antagonist — Who is the antagonist in the story? What makes them the antagonist?
The antagonist is not so much a who as a what. The main characters of the story are racing against time, as they will all die at the age of fourteen if they do not find the seven Loculi.
Part Two: Conflict
Conflict — Discuss the conflict in the story and identify one internal and one external conflict.
The main conflict in the story is that they have to find the seven Loculi before the age of fourteen or they will be killed off by the G7 gene.
Part Three: Tone, Mood, Setting and Theme
Tone — Discuss what tone you feel the author takes in your chosen short story and explain why you feel it is that tone. …show more content…
Mood — Discuss what mood was established while you read your chosen short story and what the author did to create that mood in you.
One mood was impending doom, as it always seemed that they could never possibly survive the many ordeals that they had to go through to find the Loculi. Another mood was success when they beat that impending doom against all odds. This is important because it is the main conflict in the story.
Setting — What is the setting and how does it contribute to the plot, tone, and mood of the short story.
The setting takes place all over the world, as they have to visit each of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Each of these contains one of the magical Loculi. The fact that they take place all over the world is important because it creates a sense of travel as they move around the globe.
Theme — What was the theme of the