In addition, the writer wanted to demonstrate that he was still listening and integrated in the therapeutic relationship. While this intervention may have worked, it was difficult to determine. After clarifying her comment, she simply stated “yea”, but did not elaborate further. At this point, the writer should have continued with clarification questions to obtain further information about the topic being discussed. For the seventh exchange, the writer issued a directive question to in an attempt to help her realize the possibility that she can take a proactive approach to resolving her issues with her parents. This intervention was not successful in helping her come to this realization. Rather, she stated what happened in the past and did not appear to consider the possibility of bringing up the topic again. Moreover, this intervention was not successful because the writer should have asked some follow-up questions about what would happen if she did bring it up
In addition, the writer wanted to demonstrate that he was still listening and integrated in the therapeutic relationship. While this intervention may have worked, it was difficult to determine. After clarifying her comment, she simply stated “yea”, but did not elaborate further. At this point, the writer should have continued with clarification questions to obtain further information about the topic being discussed. For the seventh exchange, the writer issued a directive question to in an attempt to help her realize the possibility that she can take a proactive approach to resolving her issues with her parents. This intervention was not successful in helping her come to this realization. Rather, she stated what happened in the past and did not appear to consider the possibility of bringing up the topic again. Moreover, this intervention was not successful because the writer should have asked some follow-up questions about what would happen if she did bring it up