Cadden, Joan. "The Meanings of Sex Difference in the Middle Ages."Google Books. Cambridge University Press, 2003. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. <> Cadden 's book explains the beliefs and values that occurred during the middle ages, which led them to practice medicine in such a way that was not fully by "procedure," but by the way they believed was right due to their religion. The Middle Ages had very limited medical knowledge, and what they did know was based on ancient Greek medical texts written by Hippocrates and Galen. This source talked much about how during the Middle Ages doctors would follow steps of a surgery to either religious belief which were that of Catholicism, or have spiritual …show more content…
remedies of their own. Many of the doctors would treat in a way that was not necessarily typical in today 's practice of medicine. This book was helpful in understanding the guidance that led the doctors to treat in a way to their specific beliefs and values. In which it explained why the doctors did not have the same ideology as today 's history. Although, this book was not as informing as to what some of the examples were, unlike other sources, in which it was informing to the examples. Overall, this source would be useful to many researchers. It helped in discovering some ideas that could be useful in an exhibit. This was a reliable source due to the fact that it had a publisher and it had specific dates of publication.
"Medicine in the Middle Ages". 2005. Web. 17 Sept. 2014. . This article explained many ideas of the ideology that influenced the Middle Ages.
This article talked about religious ideas affecting the state of medicine during this period. For example, medicine became steeped in superstition and the Roman Catholic Church effectively dominated what direction the medical world took. Any views different from the established Roman Catholic Church view could veer towards heresy with the punishments that entailed. In fact, when the Roman Catholic Church stated that illnesses were punishments from God, meaning those who were ill, became ill because they were sinners, but few argued otherwise. Medicine has really changed over the years, with beliefs, culture, and …show more content…
superstition. This article was informing in the process of understanding how far the history of medicine has come. This article was a reliable and useful source. An article like this can be very important to researchers as well as students learning the history of medicine.
"The Middle Ages" -- "More About Health". Annenberg Foundation 2014. This article 's main point was showing the practice of medicine during the Middle Ages. This article covered ideas of who was practicing medicine and medical treatment. Medical treatment was available mainly to the wealthy, and those living in villages rarely had the help of doctors, who practiced mostly in the cities and courts. Many treatments were administered by people outside the medical tradition. Midwives took care of childbirth and childhood ailments. The article was very informing about ideas such as the history, treatment, and practicing of medicine, and how the past differed in many ways from the present. This article was a very useful source. It was not as informing as many other sources but it still gave ideas and thoughts of medical practice during this time period, as well as bettering knowledge of medicine during the Middle Ages. This source was reliable. This source helped develop what type of image to pursue in an exhibit. It informed people of who was practicing medicine during this period.
Goldiner, Sigrid. Medicine in the Middle Ages. In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000–. The main arguments in this source were that women in the Middle Ages took care of medical treatment in homes while outside of home they did not take care of most of the medical treatment. Men were mostly practicing medicine while women were midwives helping the doctors and patients once in a while. This source also mentions that surgeons as well as barbers practiced medicine during this time period. This source was not as useful as other sources. Although, the article still gave much in site of the past history of medicine. The information that this article provided was reliable. This article helped inform and educate that barbers practiced medicine during this time period. It also informed that the past history of medicine did relate to some of today 's medical treatment.
"Medieval Diseases". Medieval Diseases. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. The point of this source was to inform me on the major illnesses that arose during the Middle Ages.
The main arguments that this source discussed were the unhealthy and unsanitary diseases that affected most people in the middle ages, due to the fact that there were many germs being spread through the doctors themselves during an operation. Or, some of the diseases that were being transmitted were airborne and it was easier for others to catch it. Dysentery: an infection caused either by bacteria or amoebas, spread through contamination of food and water by infected fecal matter. Influenza: an acute, extremely contagious viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, spread by inhalation. These were some of the common diseases that spread during the Middle
Ages. This source was useful in some ways. It provided information on which diseases and illnesses were around in the Middle Ages. This source gives a perspective of the injuries that were occurring during this time period. The information this source provided can help develop a well exhibit.
"The Six Strangest Medieval Diseases." Andrea Cefalo Author of the Fairytale Keeper Series Young Adult Historical Fiction. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. The main arguments of this source are about the common illnesses and injuries during the Middle Ages. This source explains why these diseases were so common during the Middle Ages. Diseases were so common during this time period because there were not many cures or vaccines for untreatable diseases. Most diseases had an easy way of being transmitted to another person, by either direct contact or indirect contact. This article explains many of the differences and problems that the Middle Ages time period had than today 's problems within medicine. This source was very useful in providing the common reasons of why certain illnesses were so common during the Middle Ages. This source was reliable as well as interesting and informative. This article was very helpful. This source would play a big role in the exhibit. This article accomplished its goal in making the reader interested and amused of the different diseases there were and why they were so common.
"10 Excruciating Medical Treatments from the Middle Ages (Medieval Medicine) ODDEE." Oddee RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2014. While reading this article, it offered many ideas of the techniques used during the medieval time period. It explained that surgeons had a very poor understanding of human anatomy, anesthetics and antiseptic techniques to keep wounds and incisions from infection. This article also informed that surgeons in the early part of the Middle Ages were often monks because they had access to the best medical literature, which was often written by Arab scholars. This article was a very useful source. If recommending this article it would be better to look into reliability credits because it was not as reliable as other sources were. But it did give much insight to many of the tools and common techniques that the Middle Ages used. This source could easily be helpful to researched ideas on medieval medicine and practice techniques used. This article played into capturing many ideas of the exhibit and what tools to use during the exhibit.
"The Middle Ages -- More About Health." The Middle Ages -- More About Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2014. . This article talked a lot about instruments and procedures in the medical field that occurred during this time period. This source explained that physicians in the Middle Ages believed that most human illnesses were the result of excess fluid in the body (called humor). The cure was removing excess fluid by taking large amounts of blood out of the body. Two of the main methods of bloodletting were leeching and venesection. Unfortunately the past was much more excruciating than the present. This article was a reliable as well as useful source. This article was very informing and educating in all forms. This source could easily be used in any research paper as a great citation. It really can inform and interest any person.