Despite Legislation for Equal Opportunities, sexism is still in evidence in the workplace.
Sexism is a particular concern for society when considering it's effect in the workplace. Sexism has always been a particular problem in the labour market especially with the formation of capitalism. In the last half of the
20th century this has been especially highlighted due to the increase of woman entering the labour market. This aroused the need for a legislation for equal opportunity for both sex's to be passed in 1975. It stated that discrimination of a persons sex whether male or female was unlawful in employment, union membership, education, provision of goods, services, advertisements and pay.
In this essay the discussion will cover subjects such as why woman hold a large percentage of the work force in companies but hardly any seem to have any power. Obstacles in the way of woman in careers, ifwomen prefer different jobs to men, equal pay for both sexes and what's changed since the law was made an Act of Parliament. This essay will only concentrate on the problem of sex discrimination in the U.K.
Sex discrimination means that a person gets treated in a less favorable manner because of their sex. A good example of this is to take two fictional characters, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The Jones's want to go swimming, they get to the swimming baths where they find that Mrs. Jones is charged an O.A.P. price while Mr. Jones has to pay the full price even though they are both the same age. This is because woman become pensioners at the age of sixty while men cannot gain the benefits until they are sixty five.
Sex discrimination is not only present within the older generation but is also evident throughout the entire age range. Before legislation was passed in the
1960's most young girls left school after O-levels to receive a strong social message that their careers where already setup for them as marriage and motherhood (Pascall 1995: 2). The only jobs