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Sex Education

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Sex Education
The Role of Sex Education in Opposing the Effects of Pornography

Agramon, Krizia Anne
Enriquez, Astro Jake
Galang, Gino George
Ocampo, Soleandrea


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
In English 04 (Research Methods and Application)
College of Arts and Sciences
San Beda College Mendiola, Manila


The thesis attached hereto, entitled “The Role of Sex Education in Opposing the Effects of Pornography”, prepared and submitted by Krizia Anne Agramon, Astro Jake Enriquez, Gino George Galang, and Soleandrea Ocampo, in partial fulfillment of the requirements in English 04 (Research Methods and Application) is hereby accepted.

Carissa C. Cabaysa Thesis Adviser



The researchers wish to extend their heartfelt gratitude to the following persons:



Approval Sheet p. 2
Dedication p. 3
Acknowledgement p. 4
Abstract p. 5
Table of Contents p. 6-8
List of Tables and Figures p. 9

Introduction p.
Background of the Study p.
Statement of the Problem p.
Significance of the Study p.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study p.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework p.
Review of Related Literature p. Sex Education p. Philippine Sexuality p. A Brief History of Sex Education in the Philippines p. Recent Legislation and Related Current Events p. Stand of Parents in Implementing Sex Education p. Stand of the Church in Implementing Sex Education p. Stand of Educators in Implementing Sex Education p. Pornography p.

Conceptual Framework p.
Research Hypothesis p.
Definition of Terms p.

Methodology p.
Research Design p.
Sources of Data p.
Data Gathering Instruments p.
Data Gathering Procedures p.
Data Analysis Procedure p.

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data p.
Introduction p.

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations p.
Summary p.
Conclusion p.
Recommendations p.

References p.
Appendices p.


Chapter I

Background of the Study

In light of the talks and debates in 2010 about the Reproductive Health Bill and the action of the Department of Education to adopt sex education in school curricula, people have been clamoring various actions to enforce the ideals of this bill, to protest the bill itself, and prevent the implementation of sex education classes. According to Rep. Edcel Lagman (2010) in his article in the Philippine Daily Inquirer, one of the aims of the Reproductive Health Bill is to provide sexual education.

The effect of these sex education classes on adolescent’s view of the morality of pornography is the primary concern of the research. Pornography, as far as the researchers know, is an actuation that is present in the life of adolescent males and females. Pornography is rampant in media (print and electronic), and thus gains wide audiences and adolescents are able to obtain such pornographic materials easily.

Media is increasingly getting more space in the lives of our youth. Children these days learn sex on media. Most children are already knowledgeable about sex through various print and electronic media. (Calasagsag, 1996) This finding is supported by the YAFS 3, which reported mass media as the new surrogate parent (2000 State of the Philippine Population Report 2nd Edition : PINOY YOUTH: Making Choices, Building Voices ,Commission of Population). The McCann-Erickson study (2000) found that the media has become the determining factor to what is perceived as right, wrong, and important. Among the youths from and living in the NCR are those who show highest prevalence of exposure to pornography. Statistics reveal that 69 percent have been exposed to pornographic materials; while 49 percent have read printed pornographic literature.

There has been an alarming growth in the rate of teenage pregnancies over the past years. In response to this, sex education has been implemented in schools. According to Department of Education (2010), sex education covers topics such as “reproductive systems and cycles, hygiene, pre-marital sex, teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.” However, the government, through the Department of Education is taking a drastic step by introducing the sex education program to public school pupils. The sex education modules are to be pilot tested in some 79 public secondary schools and 80 elementary schools (Grades V and VI) across the country.

This action has met opposition in the form of the Church which believes that sex education "promotes promiscuity among children” and that it “should strictly remain a family affair." The Church is the most vocal about its dissent in the implementation of the latest sex education module released by DepEd in 2006. It is to be noted that sex education has been part of the curriculum of some Catholic schools during the past years but it does not dwell only on the human reproduction system. The opposition of the Church is not sex education per se but the contents of the latest module. Released in June 2006, Quitorio said the new module focused on reproduction and not on the totality of sexuality, "which makes a bad impression" (Sex Education Long Been Taught in Catholic schools: Prelate, Manila Sun Star). Furthermore, he said that the module advocates and promotes the use of contraceptives among the youth. DepEd, on the other hand, maintained that the module only seeks to educate the students on sexuality and to guide them so as to prevent early pregnancy and the possibility of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) through unprotected sex.

If sex education can be effective in battling the negative implications of exposure to pornography to adolescents, then as such the morality and the sacredness of the sexual intercourse will be strengthened and will redound to the benefit of the educated person. Yet there is still a need to prove that sex education is beneficial in preventing the negative effects of exposure to pornography.

There are already some private educational institutions who have included in their curricula sex education or some of its integral topics in their GMRC and Theology classes. Some of the schools which included sex education in its curricula are San Beda College – Mendiola, Manila, and U.P. Integrated School – Diliman, and Arellano University High School. However, conservatist schools such as O.B. Montessori School have already removed sex education in their curricula after having it in their curriculum for a year, or are hesitant in including sex education in their curricula. The Arellano University has the rationale that they will train students to be effective teachers by: familiarizing them with problems relative to teaching and their solutions; providing direct and vicarious experience through in-campus and off-campus teaching; and acquainting them with the worthwhile values of the Filipino culture and the strategies and means by which these may be implemented on children and the youth. They also have the objectives of developing students who may be future leaders not only in the academe but also in the community and the nation through: experience in curricular and extra-curricular activities; involvement and participation in organization, workshop, conferences, seminars, etc.; contribution to national development goals, through self help and social service projects; and transmission, preservation, and enrichment of the national heritage (Arellano University website, 2010).

The O.B. Montessori School has rationale of a high school student definitely equipped with a stable and strong foundation of education. In most cases, “graduates” happily succeed in college life and adapt easily to the demands of college workload. Unlike other graduates who tend to be dependent and inhibited, Montessori students enter college with confidence, concentration, and strong values and spiritual beliefs. The third stage of development from 13-18 years is the adolescent stage when valorization of personality occurs as the individual prepares to enter adulthood by acquiring confidence. This is the period when emotion, no longer intelligence, becomes operational in his preparation for adult responsibility. It is characterized by great physical, emotional, psychological and social transformation when self- consciousness is heightened and requires the performing arts, sports and para-military training to transform timidity to self-confidence. The adolescent Filipino is filled with creative energy and intensely seeks economic independence. The O.B. Montessori Professional High School program not only provides academic preparation for college but also training skills in business reinforced with leadership and civic consciousness. One of the topics included in the program is sex education (O.B. Montessori website, 2010).

It is assumed by the researchers that the following facts are true: First, that sex education exists in the Philippines. There are programs and topics that are directly related to sex education that are being discussed in parts of the curricula of different schools. Second, that sex education is being implemented in private educational institutions, through topics included in the institution’s curricula. There are many private schools who have topics correlated to the ideals of sex education and the sex education per se, who have been influential in developing the mental psyche of a moral and just citizen.

Third, that sex education is beneficial to Filipino teenagers. Sex education’s aim is to inform the adolescent youth about the human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, reproductive health, emotional relations, reproductive rights and responsibilities, abstinence, contraception, and other aspects of human sexual behavior. Fourth, those Filipino teenagers are exposed to various media involving pornography. There are a plethora of various materials in media that promote pornography, be it either pictures, literary works or videos. Fifth, that the knowledge of pornography is prevalent among Filipino teenagers. It is a fact that almost all adolescent Filipinos know about pornography. Many of the youth have knowledge or a basic idea of what pornography is and where and how to access it.

Sixth, that most parents are against it despite its current implementation and are actually keen on keeping “sexual topics” taboo. Many of the news articles and opinions on the current legislative actions concerning the topic of sexual education have already surfaced, and mostly all of these articles are against sex education. Seventh, that sex education is perceived society as “immoral” and actually worsening the problems it is meant to solve. Since time in memorial, religion has abhorred sex education as “its teaching actually gives the desire to act on those actions that were taught in sex education classes”.

Lastly, those Filipino adolescents who have undergone sex education and are knowledgeable about pornography have used this knowledge to divert sexual activities and urges to a positive outlet. As the Filipino idea of sex education seems to be in the negative, the actual implication of the youth who have undergone sex education and have already basic knowledge about pornography is promising on the individual itself. It also harbors the idea that once a person who is educated and is knowledgeable about sexual issues, he is can distinguish what is morally correct and incorrect on how he acts.

The research paper will investigate the effectiveness of sex education programs in preventing the negative effects of exposure to pornography. Its aim is to educate and guide students and other concerned people like parents and educators. It also aims to provide useful information in relation to this topic, provide meaningful analysis of the current effects of sex education to preventing pornography, and strengthen the morality of sex as an act and as a sacred rite of passage or vocation.

Statement of the Problem

This research paper aims to answer the following problems: 1. Is sex education effective in regulating the negative effects of exposure to pornography among Filipino teenagers in the Arellano University High School in 2010? 2. Does sex education strengthen their view of the morality of sex? 3. Is sex education effective in diverting sexual urges? 4. Does sex education generate curiosity among Filipino teenagers to engage in sexual intercourse or any other sexual activities?

Significance of the Study

The research will benefit mostly – the students, who are the main concern of the study and whose well-being is at stake due to the implementation or non-implementation of sex education. Secondary concern of the study are the parents and educators who are entrusted with the overall responsibility of honing the Filipino youth – intellectually, morally, and spiritually through their enforcement and implementation of certain measures which will uphold the well-being of the youth. Tertiary concern of the study are the Department of Education and the Philippine society as a whole who are the primary leaders of change and pro-activity, which can or may affect the society as a whole and thus affect the youth itself.

The information that this research paper will yield is primarily beneficial to the students who will know about: a. what are the benefits of sex education they can benefit from, b. the immorality of pornography, and c. the different viewpoints of different sectors of sex education and pornography. Their being informed of sex education, its aim, its content, its implementation and its good and bad effects will consequently benefit the students.

The results that this study will yield will help parents in determining the effectiveness of sex education. It would help the parents, with teachers, in formulating the best solution for issues regarding sexuality. Also, it seeks to provide parents with a basis for critical and sound judgments regarding the issue. Relying on opinions and beliefs which are not founded on concrete evidence should not be the sole basis of parents and educators in determining whether sex education does more harm than good. They should be informed and equipped with facts in order to weigh the pros and cons of sex education. The research will help them understand the effectiveness of sex education in helping to a. reduce risk behaviors such as unprotected sex, and equip individuals to make informed decisions about their personal sexual activity, b. control the body and liberation from social control, c. provide individuals with the knowledge necessary to liberate themselves from socially organized sexual oppression and to make up their own minds.

It will also be helpful to administrators and educators of sex education classes and similar classes linked to sex education and its topics, to know a. if sex education curricula break down pre-existing notions of modesty and encourage acceptance of practices that those advocating this viewpoint deem immoral, such as homosexuality and premarital sex, b. and to teach that sexual behavior outside of marriage is immoral, so their adherents feel that this morality should be taught as part of sex education.

The Department of Education may also find this material useful as a reference for the improvement of sex education. This study will help them point out the weak aspects of sex education which has already been implemented in the past. Consequently, the findings could be utilized to provide them with additional information with which to compare data from the currently implemented program. The study will help them determine what makes sex education successful or unsuccessful.

Society as a whole would be able to make an informed stand based on actual data and observations. This would help them decide whether or not to support the steps taken by the government. This would help them determine whether the Church’s contention has basis. This would help society refine its current understanding of sex education that would help them cultivate updated solutions to the issues plaguing the country.

Scope and Delimitation

This research paper is a descriptive research paper. The main problem to be tackled is the effectiveness of sex education to counteract the exposure of Filipino teenagers to pornography. The scope would also cover some moral issues about sex education from the viewpoint of the society of the Philippines, of the government of the Philippines, and of several religious institution, more specifically the Catholic Church, using a sample of adolescent students from Arellano University High School and O.B. Montessori High School. The researchers would base their research through one-on-one interviews, random survey questionnaires and observation, the population of which are thirty students per class, totaling one hundred fifty (150) students in O.B. Montessori High School and forty students per class, totaling two hundred (200) students in Arellano University High School and the sample size of ninety (90) students in O.B. Montessori High School and one hundred twenty (120) students in Arellano University High School. The participants or the respondents are those who have and have not received sex education and are knowledgeable on pornography. They are Filipino teenagers aged 14 to 18 years of age, male or female.

The scope of the paper would be limited to the Arellano University High School and the O.B. Montessori High School, Greenhills Branch in the Philippines, more specifically in Metro Manila. Data gathering for this research paper will take approximately one month.


Review of Related Literature

This chapter will provide useful information about sex education, pornography, and the status quo of the issues of the implementation of sex education in the Philippines. Also provided here are the concepts of sexuality for Filipinos, recent legislative laws and bills regarding sex education, and recent news articles and stories concerning sex education.

Sex Education

Prior to discussing sex education, as the prime matter, sexuality must be delineated in a broad-spectrum. Sex education is a broad term used to describe education about human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, reproductive health, emotional relations, reproductive rights and responsibilities, abstinence, contraception, and other aspects of human sexual behavior. Common avenues for sex education are parents or caregivers, school programs, and public health campaigns (Sex Education,, 2010).

It is an integral part of education in most developed countries, like the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, India and China. It is stressed in these countries that the idea of sexual education encompasses “education about all aspects of sexuality, including information about family planning, reproduction (fertilization, conception and development of the embryo and fetus, through to childbirth), plus information about all aspects of one 's sexuality including: body image, sexual orientation, sexual pleasure, values, decision making, communication, dating, relationships, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and how to avoid them, and birth control method” all that is stated above, not only focusing on the physical aspect of sex nor is that sex education only talking about the totality of the sexual intercourse as an act (Sex Education,, 2010).

In Asia, the state of sex education programs is at various stages of development. Indonesia, Mongolia, South Korea have a systematic school policy framework for teaching about sex. Here in Southeast Asia, countries such as Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand have assessed adolescent reproductive health needs with a view to developing adolescent-specific training, messages and materials.

Sex education, as a whole subject matter in the Philippines, is practically non-existent. Except for discussions of parents with their children regarding the “birds and the bees” and of theology and GMRC teachers with their students, the idea of sex education being implemented here in the Philippines is farfetched.

Sex education, as said by Guerrero, should not be imparted with all the do’s and don’ts instead proper guidelines must be strictly implemented for the child to determine his or her own responsibilities. (Sariling Paturuan, 1982) With sex education, Guerrero posits that people who are addicted to having sex education may avoid their promiscuousness by understanding the danger and other effects of it. It is unproven whether the knowledge of sex will pollute the child’s mind. Sexual ignorance would only result to indecisiveness and even wrong decisions.

As such, reproductive systems and other important sexual issues and topics are taboo and always are met with opposition. It is mainly caused by our own culture’s conservatism and being traditionalists. (Georpe, 2002.) Being conservative Roman Catholics, often Filipinos think of sex education as morally incompatible with the beliefs and ideals of the Catholic Church. Sexual liberalism, often caused by sex education classes makes a Filipino think that a certain individual is sexually promiscuous. While the influence of globalization became dominant, numerous Filipinos remained conservative with their sexual values.

Philippine Sexuality

According to Guerrero, “a part of one’s total personality is human sexuality”. It refers to the sum total of man’s animated feelings. Not only as a sexual part but as male and female. It is a life-long process commencing at birth. Basic knowledge of sex may be attained when the child grows either to manhood or womanhood (Sariiling Paturuan, 1982)

Philippine Sexuality refers to the sensuality of man as professed, expressed, and respected by the Filipino people. This encompasses sexual behavior, practices, and activities exhibited by Filipino men and women of history and of current.

Filipino Sexuality seems to have been affected by education, media and even by technological advancements. But despite its immediate dispersion, legislative procedures primarily involving regulations were promulgated to grant prominence that sexual acts should happen only within the framework of marriage between a man and a woman, because this personal human expression is sturdily associated with the family unit and with the society as a whole.

As a predominantly Christian country, the Philippines considers that the only sexual behavior morally and legally acceptable and appropriate is heterosexual intercourse within a monogamous marriage, with the exception of polygamous marriage as practiced by some Filipino minority groups and by Muslim communities in the Mindanao, southern, and southwestern regions of the Philippines, as long as the men of these population are financially capable of supporting their multiple wives.

Sex Education in the Philippines: A Brief History

Long before the arrival of the first group of Spaniards in the Philippine islands on the shores of Cebu, under the leadership of Ferdinand Magellan, ancient native Filipinos already had their own sexual and relationship practices. One of them is the carrying out of polygamy. Early Filipino tribal men had five or more wives, a marital ethnic norm of the archipelago at the time.

In addition to this, about more than one thousand years ago, the Filipino Ifugao people of northern central Philippines already had well-established values on marriage and sexuality.

Prior to 1969, sex education in the Philippines was non-existent. Instructions were limited only to discussions on pregnancy and childcare within the confines of the family unit, specifically between female members of the home. Outside the family or the home setting, available informal information – in the form of television and radio programs, illegal adult or sex publications, and the like – was imprecise, flawed, or deficient.

After the World Health Organization and the Philippine government 's introduction of programs on family planning and birth/conception control in the past years, suburban and rural Philippine communities received training in these programs, with instructions on basic biology, pregnancy, and contraception that focused on the use of birth control pills. This program was clandestinely sustained by the Roman Catholic Church to "reduce the family 's burden of child rearing because of poverty"

It was only in the late 1970s when Philippine high schools and colleges began to include teachings related to public health, sexually transmitted diseases, and limited information on human reproduction and human sexuality in the curriculum for science courses, such as biology. The limitation was truncated by the Filipino tradition of not explicitly mentioning or showing images of the male and female sex organs even for educational purposes.

In 1972, DepEd already had a module for sex education aimed towards teaching sex education and population development concepts to elementary and high school students. These were integrated into the curricula of appropriate year levels. The module was adapted as a model by other Asian countries which includes Thailand, Japan and China. The 1994 sex education module was revised into “Lesson Plan of Adolescent Reproductive Health.” It tacked premarital sex and STD. In the year 2000, a review and revision by DepEd was conducted for the purpose of adapting to the changing times. This was done together with the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines. During the Arroyo administration in 2006, the trial run of a sex education program in Metro Manila did not prosper due to the objection of CBCP which argued that its introduction to public schools will encourage teenagers to engage in sex. (DepEd Set to Launch Sex Education in Public Schools,, 2008).

Recent Legislation and Related Current Events

In 2004, Rep. Lagman’s bill on Reproductive Health Bill was a hot topic, pushing for mandatory implementation of sex education among students from grade 5 to 4th year high school. Critics of Lagman, especially Dr. Junice Melgar said that “You can’t just teach and push for abstinence before marriage. It might send a wrong signal to the youth and increase the incidence of premarital sex if you use reverse psychology.” (Barrinuevo et al, 2004.)

In light of the recent talks and debates about the Reproductive Health Bill, people have been clamoring various actions to enforce the ideals of this bill. The Reproductive Health Bill is a conglomerate of House Bill No. 17 authored by Rep. Edcel Lagman, House Bill No. 812 authored by Rep. Janette Garin, Senate Bill No. 40 authored by Sen. Rodolfo Biazon and Senate Bill No. 43 authored by Sen. Panfilo Lacson who are members of the House of Representatives and the Senate of the 14th Congress of the Philippines (, 2010).

According to Rep. Edcel Lagman in his article in the Philippine Daily Inquirer, one of the aims of the Reproductive Health Bill is to provide sexual education (Philippine Daily Inquirer, Jan. 16, 2010). “Reproductive health education in an age-appropriate manner shall be taught by adequately trained teachers from Grade 5 to 4th year high school. As proposed in the bill, core subjects include responsible parenthood, natural and modern family planning, proscription and hazards of abortion, reproductive health and sexual rights, abstinence before marriage, and responsible sexuality.”

Moreover, “Sexuality education will neither spawn “a generation of sex maniacs” nor breed a culture of promiscuity. Age-appropriate RH education promotes correct sexual values. It will not only instill consciousness of freedom of choice but also responsible exercise of one’s rights. The UN and countries which have youth sexuality education document its beneficial results: understanding of proper sexual values is promoted; early initiation into sexual relations is delayed; abstinence before marriage is encouraged; multiple-sex partners are [sic] avoided; and spread of sexually transmitted diseases is prevented.”

According to the DepEd, from implementing Memorandum No. 261, which integrates sex education in the curriculum for private and public schools, adopting the sex education plan will fast-track moral decay among young people who are exposed to sex at an early age. "While curiosity is normal for young people, it is still the primary responsibility of the parents and families to inform their children about sex.” (DepEd Memorandum No. 261, 2010).

Discussions will focus on the science of reproduction, physical care and hygiene, correct values and the norms of interpersonal relations to avoid premarital sex and teenage pregnancy. The topics integrated into the modules will be scientific and informative and are not designed to titillate prurient interest.

In Science, sex education topics will cover the reproductive system, parts of the body, reproductive cycle, and puberty. Under Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP), proper behavior among and between peers of different genders will be discussed. In Health classes under MAPEH (Music, Arts, PE and Health), personal hygiene and reproductive health will be part of the lessons. In Heograpiya, Kasaysayan, at Sibika (HEKASI) classes, discussion will include the position of religion on premarital sex and the norms when people of opposite sex interact. Finally, in Math classes, data on issues like premarital sex, teenage pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infections will be used in studying mathematical analysis and statistics.

Starting this year 2010, sex education will be integrated in regular subjects including science, health, English and physical education, said Assistant Education Secretary Teresita Inciong, who is heading the project funded by the U.N. Population Fund. (Teves, Boston News. 2010)

The World Health Organization, UNICEF, and UNESCO also had worked on guidelines about sex education, with the aim of improving awareness of sexuality. They suggest for example that masturbation be discussed between 5 to 8 year old and in detail between 9 to 12 years old. (Editorial: Sex education, 2009)

The Stand of the Parents in the Implementation of Sex Education

As O’Brien said in his book Sex Character Education, “instructions which are formal should preferably be given privately and must in furtherance be supplemented by providing proper exercise. All the ways, by which a child can be taught, nothing compares in effectiveness with the personal example of the parents. Among all the ways of indirect instruction good literature is the most effective. Any sex instruction which ignores the education of the emotions is considered defective and useless. Since it cannot absorb nor have deep intellectual interest, enthusiasm and proper knowledge could not be gained well.” (1980)

O’Brien continues by adding that “parents have the primary and fundamental obligation of explaining sex to their offspring. Having to neglect it means having robbed from their children an important part of their birthright. Hence, it could also lead to confusion and misconceptions that are detrimental to their psychological being. They are first to explain the meaning of sex because their child trusts them as they trust no others.”

He posits though, “the law of nature are as clear as crystal, that parents are naturally circumstanced to talk about the given matter, only a few could fulfill this primary duty.” Guerrero continues this thought by saying that “parents tend to be embarrassed when faced with problems related to sex lives of their children. They show much fear and anxiety over such topics and as such punish their children for acts they thought were innocent.” (Sariling Paturuan, 1982)

Guerrero then states that parents must avoid seeing sex as a way to control and suppress sexual expression. Sex education should be concentrated on providing necessary information to avoid confusion and ignorance. Parents must never give the impression that they deprive their children the right to sexual knowledge or the proper sexual activity.

Parents who are against the implementation of the sex education program launched petitions against DepEd Memo No. 261 which is “a sex-ed initiative in the Philippines supported by the U.N.” Their argument was that “the legislation is unconstitutional as it violates the primary rights of parents to develop the moral character of their children.” Furthermore, they argued that “it was unnecessary for children as young as nine to be taught about reproductive health” (Parents in Philippines Objecting to Sex Education Program Targeting Children,, 2010).

Even parents in the U.S who have children studying in schools in the Philippines, as “devout Catholics” continue to be against the teaching of sex education. Some of the parents are against it because as Filipinos, customs and tradition say that they don’t or shouldn’t teach sex education is schools (Filipino Parents Oppose Sex Education in the Philippines,, 2010).

The Stand of the Church and Conservative Crusaders in the Implementation of Sex Education

The Church, particularly Filipino Bishops, is against the teaching of sex education in public primary schools. Spokesman of the CBCP claimed that “the church believes that sex education of children is a responsibility of parents and not the school, and if it should be taught to students, then it should begin at a high school level.” Also, that “the school must support parents in raising children and not replace them.” This contention was based on their argument that the parents are the only ones capable of determining when the right time is to discuss and educate their children on the subject of sex (Philippines: Sed Education Sparks Furious Debate,, 2010).

The Catholic Church had undergone a high-profile campaign to discourage the implementation of the project. The Church, as well as powerful conservative crusaders argued that sex education “breaks the nation’s religion-based moral codes”, that it is not the answer to the population problem and poverty and that it actually negates its purpose since it “promotes promiscuity among children.” They further claim that sex education is something that parents, not educators have the authority to teach regarding the matter. There was actually a petition filed in the court requesting the stoppage of the program. The legal bid claimed that “the program impinges on parents’ constitutional right to educate their children based on their religious beliefs” (Sex Education Debate Heats up in the Philippines,, 2010).

Also, the politically powerful CBCP, “which wields enormous influence, including the formulation of national policies” is also against sex education. They believe that “sex education should be left to parents, especially if we are talking about children who are underage” (Sex Vs God in the Philippines,, 2010). The CBCP also disagrees to the fact that high school students would be exposed to the use of contraceptives at an early age. (Solmerin, Education justifies sex lessons, 2006)

It is argued by them that the choice as to when children should be taught about the subject depends on the parents’ decision. Furthermore, they claim that the current method in the teaching of sex education lacks reverence and refinement (, 2006)

It was suggested by Archbishop Aniceto, head of the Episcopal Commission on Family and Life that DepEd should “assist” instead of “take over” the “original and primary” roles of parents in teaching their children “confidential and private matters.” He further suggested that parents should be provided with copies of the sex education module and that parents should be the one to make the assessment to determine if the module is ethical and effectual in boosting moral education and civil efficiency for the youth (Prelate Says Parents Key to Sex Education,, 2010)

CBCP officer Archbishop Aniceto had “called on incoming President Benigno Aquino III to scrap the program as soon as he assumes office.” He explained that “parents are solely responsible for teaching their children about human sexuality” (Former CBCP head urges DepEd to consult parents on sex education,, 2010).

Modules of Popular Education were considered by the Catholic Church, in 1994, as poisonous sexual propaganda. However, stated by Luib, that this is another debate between the State and the Church itself. (Walling off parents, 1994.) The CBCP and Bishop Ongtioco had even questioned an ordinance in Quezon City about sex education being included in curricula of public high schools in Quezon City. (Santiago, 2008.)

The Church-run Radio Veritas’ Archbishop Lagdameo likewise said that the copies of the module should be provided to parents to allow them to scrutinize it. He suggested that “the parents should also make their suggestions on how to teach (sex education) to the students using their own language, their own way of talking to their own children” and that “sex education should be taught to more mature students” (Former CBCP head urges DepEd to consult parents on sex education,, 2010).

However, Aguirre Hidalgo wrote a letter to the CBCP stating the value of safe sex education. This will help in the student’s physical, mental and social well-being. (Solmerin, Education justifies sex lessons. 2006) Hidalgo also said that it was intended for adolescents to “understand their sexuality and protect them from unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and the subsequent risk of infertility.” (Puno Jr., 2006.)

The Stand of Educators and DepEd in the Implementation of Sex Education

Professor Corazon Raymundo, director of UPPI (University of the Philippines’ Population Institute) considers sex education as a necessity. According to her, it is not in the nation’s culture for parents to discuss sex with their children. (Teenage Pregnancy: A Rising Trend Among Young Women,, 2010).

According to DepEd, it’s purpose in promoting the latest module is to educate the youth on issues directly affecting them and to empower them to make informed choices and decisions (DepEd on Sex Ed: It’s not About Sex,, 2010)

Oscar Landicho, in his article “Importance of sex education among Filipino studes cited”, that it would be beneficial if sex education is taught before the graduation of grade 6 children for they are already aware of the physical differences of men and women. (Times Journal, 1994). Most youth have limited information about sex and sexual development; as such the youth needs to meet the special needs of adolescents and to establish appropriate programs to respond to their needs. (DEPTH news, Manila Chronicle, 1995)

Sex educators insist that, like adults, teens are capable of making responsible decisions. They just lack information about sexuality and access to contraceptives. But current neuropsychological research tells us that teen’s poor decisions are likely due to lack of judgement. (Villegas, 2009.)


Pornography, on the other hand is also prevalent in the Philippines. Pornography or porn is the portrayal of explicit sexual subject matter for the purposes of sexual excitement and erotic satisfaction. Pornography is now, being any of a variety of media (ranging from books, magazines, postcards, photos, sculpture, drawing, painting, animation, sound recording, film, video, or video game), is socially accepted as a norm. It is accepted in a way that every teenager knows that there is pornography, and more often than not, a teenager has either seen or heard of it.

Nowadays, pornographic materials could easily be obtained. One of the, if not, the greatest source of a myriad of pornographic materials is the Internet. The Internet is a portal that anyone could easily access. The computer, like the television, occupies the average Filipino family’s abode. It is no longer a luxury that only a few could enjoy inside their homes, but the Internet can also be accessed through other means.

Teenagers and even children as young as 6 or 7 years old could have access to pornographic materials in computer shops at the price of P20.00-30.00. Without parental restraint or supervision, children and teenagers can easily peek into the world of sex which the adults consider taboo. Silence no longer guarantees protection to the minds of the youth in the technological era. The computer and the internet can be easily operated by anyone. For adults to think the avoidance of discussion regarding the topic within the four walls of the home would protect the innocence of their precious and innocent children is truly naïve.

Article 201 of the Revised Penal Code punishes pornography. According to the said article, those “who, in theaters, fairs, cinematographs or any other place, exhibit indecent or immoral plays, scenes, acts or shows” which “serve no other means but to satisfy the market for violence, lust or pornography …” are punishable for pornography. The said law should cover the Internet since it is said to “invade” the home. Internet censorship in the People 's Republic of China is prevalent. Included among those censored are web sites that contain “obscenity, pornography and criminal activity.” It is said that “Google” which fail “to censor or bar pornographic shows or materials from the Internet in our country” should be criminally charged.

Although Internet pornography and pornography in general is not effectively barred by any legislation in the country, the Philippines as a society, is not united when it comes to making a proactive effort to give counsel to today’s youth who are more often than not, exposed to the possibility of encountering pornographic materials via the net. It should be noted that in the dawn of information age, the use of the internet as a research tool by students is widespread.

One way of fighting pornography is by educating the masses on the immorality of pornography. Sex education comes into play by teaching the right attitude and idea of sexual activities and the evils of the mass media who continue to propagate pornography. However, many people are still doubtful of the benefits of sexual education (J.Gutierrez, June 21, 2010). More vocal in this point are the conservatists who opine that sex education triggers sexual urges. These comprises mainly of religious leaders and senior leaders of the different parts of the Philippine society. In order for society to truly help the youth, it must be united in its efforts to arrive to an effective solution. The Church, the parents and the educational institutions must join hands to battle the negative effects of ignorance.

Conceptual Framework

Sex Education is the basis for the adolescents in choosing the right path to prevent the negative effects of exposure to pornography. By having the right and correct education about sexual issues, the students can fight the negative effects of pornography. By providing necessary information on physical and social aspects of sex, by strengthening the view of the morality of sex, and by creating alternatives ways to divert sexual urges, the adolescent students can also develop ways and means to choose whether to be addicted to pornography or to avoid it as much as possible.

Print and other media such as electronic media can fight pornography. By the launch of campaigns against prostitution, contraceptives usage, and safe sex, issues regarding sexual acts are somewhat diminished. But also, print and other electronic media also cater the easy accessibility of pornographic materials. The use of different media to inculcate sexual liberalism and pornography is obviously a factor in the rampant distribution and accessibility to these materials.

The religions’ view and opinions on sexual education also form a foundation to help adolescents to choose whether pornography is a morally correct decision. Religions usually desensitize and downgrade the idea of sex and emphasize on the sanctity of sex. Religions also help to undermine the sex education programs set by the country. Religion groups such as the Catholic Bishops Council of the Philippines or the CBCP is one of the primary opposers of the Reproductive Health Bill and the Department of Education Memorandum No. 261 which both imposes sex education for teenagers.

The curricula posed by the Department of Education and the private schools themselves also serve as indicia to the growing debate for the imposition of sex education. The curriculum must be amenable to religious views and also must include necessary information about sexual issues. It must not be lacking in information and also must not be offensive of morals and traditions. However, the curriculum also poses a problem for sex education, as some of the topics were questioned of stimulating the minds of the adolescents in sexual intercourse.

Pornography then is affected by the education of the adolescent youth about sexual issues. Pornography may be affected once print and other electronic media, religious views and curriculum concerning sex education is imposed. Sex education can help in preventing the negative effects, thus the negative effect of pornography is diminished in the mindset of the adolescent youth. However pornography can also serve as a basis for sexual education, as a primary reason on why to implement such programs. Since it is a problem arising from the lack of sexual education and the submission to subliminal urges, pornography has its negative effects from such.

Furthermore, the preparedness or qualification of teachers who are tasked to teach sex education will be a determining factor as to whether or not the aims of Sex Education would be achieved. The Department of Education must ensure that the teachers are properly trained and prepared.

The attitude of the parents towards the implementation of the program - whether they will cooperate or not with educators - will affect the outcome of sex education. Since they are the greatest influence of the children aside from the teachers, it is them who will enforce upon the mind of the children - in a positive or negative way, what is being taught in school. The degree of their involvement in the proper and effective dissemination of information regarding sex education is another factor to take note of. The parents, like the educators, must equip themselves with knowledge regarding the aims and contents of the sex education module to be implemented in the school of their children.

Another factor to consider is the cooperation and communication between the Church, Parents and Educators. The education of the youth is not the sole responsibility of any particular sector. The impact of each sector’s decision, in one way or another affects the well-being of the youth.

Lastly are the personal characteristics and traits of the students. Children of different ages are of different degrees of maturity. Gender, family background, the environment of the child in their respective homes and other personal factors should be considered. Sex Education is a highly-psychological concern. Varying backgrounds might reflect varying responses by students towards sex education.

Research Hypothesis

The study will test the following hypotheses: 1. Sex education is not effective in regulating the negative effects of exposure to pornography among Filipino teenagers in the Arellano University High School 2010. 2. Sex education does not strengthen the view of the morality of sex of adolescents. 3. Sex education is not effective in diverting sexual urges.

Definition of Terms

• Adolescent – Adolescents, in the context of this study, are teenagers aged 14 to 18 years old, male or female.

• Students – Students, in the context of this study, consists of the adolescents enrolled in Arellano University High School in the academic year of 2010 and Operation Brotherhood Montessori - Greenhills in the academic year of 2010.

• School with sex education – The school refers to Arellano University High School, a private school that has undertaken its own sex education program or classes.

• Sexual education or sex education – Sexual education is a part of the curriculum of Arellano University High School on a divergence of topics including physical aspects of sex such as reproductive systems, puberty stages and developments, sexually transmitted diseases, and sexual intercourse; and the social aspects of sex such as the morality of sex, safe sex practices, and sexual preferences and choices.

• Pornography – Pornography is any published and easily accessible materials portraying sexual organs in any position or form denoting sexual innuendos. There is no pornography if the intent of the publisher or artist is for it to become a work of art.

• Effect – Effect, in the context of this study, means the negative consequences of exposure to pornography.

• Sexual acts - Sexual acts, in the context of this study, pertain not only to actual sexual intercourse involving the penetration of the penis into the vagina but also fondling, kissing, cuddling and such other intimate acts

• Reproductive Health Bill – The Reproductive Health Bill is a bill sponsored by the Congress to impose sexual education classes as part of the school curricula among both private and public schools.

• DepEd Memorandum No. 261 – Department of Education Memorandum No. 261 is a memorandum given by the Department of Education concerning the imposition of sexual education classes. This Memorandum is currently under a Temporary Restraining Order, filed by opposers of the imposition of sex education.

Chapter III

This chapter presents in detail the methods used in the conduct of the study. This chapter discusses the research design the researches chose to adopt, an enumeration and brief background on the sources of data from where the researchers gather pertinent information from in the process of conducting the research and the instruments the researchers utilized.

Research Design

The research design chosen to be adopted by the researchers in the conduct of the study are descriptive-survey and descriptive-comparative. Descriptive-survey research design is best suitable since our target subjects, particularly the students, have varying attributes and conditions. Since the ultimate purpose of the research is to determine the degree of effectiveness of sex education, an observation between students with and without sex education in their schools must be conducted. It is through keen observation, comparison and analysis, that the ‘output’ of sex education’s implementation which manifests itself primarily in the attitude of the students towards sex, positive or negative will be uncovered. Using descriptive-comparative, we would draw a distinction with the outcome of those who have inquired about sex education and those that still have not. The outcome is to be determined by the possible differences in the attitudes and views of the students in their respective schools.

The subjects consist of two groups, namely: a) students who undergo sex education and b) students who do not undergo sex education shall be compared based on the presence/absence of a certain factor- sex education. This factor is the focus of the examination and comparison.

Sources of Data

The San Beda College- CAS library is a source of a myriad of references related to sex education. Sources range from books, newspapers and magazine articles. Published and printed materials from the library were the initial sources of vital information of the researchers. Among the available materials in the library, newspaper articles compiled and categorized in the Periodicals Section of the Library are the most abundant in latest and updated information regarding the topic.

Since the implementation of Sex Education is essentially a result of legislative enactment, it only but appropriate to consult the San Beda College Law Library for legal information and background on past and present legislation regarding the topic. The primary concern of the researchers are with respect to laws involved in the study are the Reproductive Health Bill and DepEd Memorandum No. 261.

The Internet was also utilized by the researchers in the collection of helpful materials. Online sources vary from Newspaper websites of the most well-known newspaper publications in the country such as Inquirer ( and The Manila Bulletin (, Television Network websites of prominent networks such as ABS-CBN ( and GMA ( and even personal blogs. Aside from articles, the internet was utilized as a supplementary source for the researchers in understanding terminologies and concepts related to the research.

The instruments that we would use to initiate the test are survey sheets / questionnaires that will be given to students. Vital and up-to-date information not available in printed materials or in the internet could be acquired from them. With the surveys that we would conduct, it could help us settle on and weigh against the effect of sex education upon those who have undergone and as well as the effect to those who have not yet undergone such curriculum.

Data Gathering Instruments

The Data Gathering Instruments to be utilized in the study is survey questionnaires. Survey questionnaires will be distributed to the students in a) Arellano University High School and b) OB Montessori - Greenhills.

The survey contains questions which the researchers deem pertinent in the conduct of the study. Carrying out the distribution of survey sheets to our forthcoming participants / respondents will provide insight to the viewpoint of the students who have undergone sex education. The survey will inquire into the conduct of the students - such as how often they view pornographic materials or how often they notice and encounter sexual themes via the media and in relation to this, whether or not these stimulate their curiosity to engage in sexual activities or experiment.

The survey will also test the basic knowledge of students on select topics which includes but is not limited to the following: human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse and reproductive health and sexually transmitted diseases.

Data Gathering Procedure

The first week of the research was dedicated to gathering the necessary references pertinent to the research. References include materials from various sources such as the library and the internet. These sources provided the researchers with the necessary background and information to have a deeper understanding of their selected research topic.

The succeeding weeks (2nd and 3rd week) were utilized to segregate materials which are vital and necessary from those which are merely supplementary. The researchers, after collecting sources- both primary and secondary, moved on to select vital data from within the source, extract what is necessary and organized and categorized them to different sub-topics for convenient reference in the future. Data gathered include statistics and statements from notable personalities.

Next, the researchers investigated which schools have or do not have sex education in the 4th week of research. This was achieved by conducting inquiries to teachers, acquaintances and family members. Further information was done through research via the internet. With the data gathered, the researchers were able to choose OB Montessori and Arellano University High School.

With only limited knowledge regarding the school’s stand on sex education, the researchers moved on to schedule personal interviews with the school authorities of the respective schools. It is only afterwards that the student survey is to be conducted. The data gathered from the interview and the survey will be dissected, analyzed, classified and organized. The researchers will use their knowledge in statistics in interpreting the collected data.

Data Analysis Procedure

It is in this stage where the data gathered by the researchers are to be analyzed and interpreted to shed light regarding the question concerning sex education’s effectiveness. In assessing the data, descriptive statistics shall be applied.

Through this, the researchers would be able to describe the basic features of the data in the study and summarize their findings pertaining to the sample and the values/measurements/data obtained. Furthermore, the researchers would be able to present their data in an easily decipherable form.

This is to effectively and efficiently make comparisons between the students from one school to that of another. The researchers are to apply the principles of central tendency. In order to interpret the data obtained from the surveys, the mean, median and mode will be acquired. Other statistical summaries to be utilized in the research are the measure of distribution and dispersion (Standard Deviation). We would also apply the use of percentages as a statistical method of comparison. After conducting the necessary computations, the results will be presented in graphs and analysis of the data obtained will be performed by the researchers.

Chapter IV

This chapter presents the results of data collection and analyses. This chapter also presents the interpretation of the analyzed data to answer the four research questions and address the aim of this investigation.

Chapter V

This chapter presents the summary of the whole research paper, the conclusions drawn out from the results of data collection and the interpretation of data, and the recommendations that the researchers would want to give to the readers of this study.


• Andres, T. Q. (1947). Sex education and family planning for Filipinos. Quezon City: Ken Publishing. • Arellano University (2010). Education: Goals and Objectives of Arellano University (High School). Arellano University: Retrieved September 28, 2010. • Barrinuevo, J.L, Herrera, C.F., Requejo, R.E. (August 3, 2004). Bill advocates sex education. Manila Standard: p. 1. • Biazon, R., 14th Congress of the Philippines. (2007) Reproductive Health Care Act: An act providing for reproductive health care structures and appropriating funds therefor. Manila: 14th Congress of the Philippines. • Calasagsag, S.S. (February 26, 2010). Street kids learn the ABC’s of sex from media. Manila Chronicle: p. 5 • Catholic News Agency (July 6, 2010). Parents in Philippines Objecting to Sex Education Program Targeting Children. Catholic News Agency: Retrieved Sept. 28, 2010. • Commission of Population. (2000) State of the Philippine Population Report 2nd Edition : “PINOY YOUTH: Making Choices, Building Voices”. Mandaluyong City: Commission on Population. • Department of Education. (2010) Memorandum No. 261: Operationalization of the UnFPA-Assisted Project “Institutionalizing Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) through Lifeskills-Based Education”. Pasig City: Department of Education. • DepEd on Sex Ed: It’s not About Sex (June 5, 2010). ABS-CBN News: Retrieved September 28, 2010. • Dizon, D. (June 21, 2010) DepEd sued over sex education plan. ABS-CBN News: Retrieved Sept. 28, 2010. • Editorial: Sex education. (September 14, 2009). Manila Times: p. A6 • Espinosa, H. (June 24, 2010). Filipino Parents Oppose Sex Education in the Philippines. Balitang America: . Retreived September 28, 2010. • Esplanada, J. (March 31, 2008). DepEd Set to Launch Sex Education in Public Schools. Retrieved Sept. 28, 2010. • Filas, F. (1966). Sex education in the family. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Publishing. • Flores, H. (June 20, 2010). Former CBCP head urges DepEd to consult parents on sex education. The Philippine Star: . Retrieved September 28, 2010. • Georpe, R.S. (January 26, 2002). Let’s talk about sex, mom! Manila Bulletin: p. F4. • Guenero, I. V. (1982). Sexorama – sex education = sariling paturuan. Metro Manila: Guenero Publishing. p. 3, 10 • Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN) (June 18, 2010). Philippines: Sex Education Sparks Furious Debate. Spero News: Retreived September 28, 2010. • Lacson, P., 14th Congress of the Philippines. (2007) Reproductive Health Act of 2007: An act creating a reproductive health and population management council for the implementation of an integrated policy on reproductive health relative to sustainable human development and population management, and for other purpose. Manila: 14th Congress of the Philippines. • Lagarde, R. (june 18, 2010). Prelate Says Parents Key to Sex Education. Union of Catholic Asian News: . Retrieved September 28, 2010. • Lagman, E.C., et al. (2008). House Bill No. 5043: An act providing for a national policy on reproductive health, responsible parenthood and population development, and for other purposes. Quezon City: 14th Congress of the Philippines. • Lagman, E. (2010) Reproductive health bill: Facts, fallacies. 2010 Presidentiables Blog: Retrieved Sept. 28, 2010. • Landicho, O.R. (March 13, 1994). Importance of sex education among Filipino students cited. Times Journal: p. 14. • Luib, R.T. (August 16, 1994). Walling off the parents. Business World: p.1,7 • Macairan, E. (November 20 2008). CBCP official: Church has been teaching sex education. ABS-CBN News/ Philippine Star: Retrieved Sept. 28, 2010. • McCann Erickson, Inc. (2000). The McCann Erickson Youth Study 2000: A Synopsis. Manila: McCann Erickson, Inc. • Miller, P.M. (1994). Sex is not a four letter word. Quezon City: Kadena Books. • O’Brian, J.A. (1980). Sex-character education: exploring facts of life to young. New York: Macmillan Publishing. P. 3, 91 • Operation Brotherhood Montessori, Montessori Inc. (2010). Professional High School: Learning to Work, Rationale. O.B. Montessori: Retrieved Sept. 28, 2010. • Pornography (2010). Pornography. Wikipedia: Retrieved Sept. 28, 2010. • Puno Jr., R.V. (June 22, 2006) Deped sex ed. Philippine Star: p.13 • Reproductive Health Bill in the Philippines (2010). What is the Reproductive Health Bill in the Philippines? Retrieved Sept. 28, 2010. • Rubrico, J.G.U. (July 21, 2010). Sex Vs God in the Philippines. Asia Times: Retrieved September 28, 2010. • Santiago, M.A. (March 12, 2008) Pagtutol ng simbahan sa sex education, idudulog sa SC. Manila Standard: p. 4 • Sex Education (2010) Overview. Wikipedia: Retrieved Sept. 28, 2010. • Sex Education (2010) Sex Education worldwide. Wikipedia: Retrieved Sept. 28, 2010. • Sex Education Debate Heats Up in the Philippines (June 21, 2010). Yahoo! Health: Retrieved Sept. 28, 2010. • Solmerin, F.S. (June 12, 2006). Education justifies ‘sex lessons’. Manila Standard Today: p. A3. • Teenage Pregnancy: A Rising Trend Among Young Women (January 10, 2006). Global Pinoy Health Features: Retrieved September 28, 2010. • Teves, O. (June 1, 2010) Philippine tests sex education in public schools. Boston News: Retrieved September 28, 2010. • Villegas, B.M. (November 27, 2009). Sex Educationin the RH bill. Manila Bulletin: p. 11 • Youth lacks access to sex education. (June 28, 1995). Manila Chronicles: p. 16.


Dear respondent,

We, legal management students from San Beda College Manila, are conducting a survey as part of a study on “The Effectiveness of Sex Education in Opposing the Effects of Pornography”.

We will be very thankful for the time you can share by answering this questionnaire.

Please answer as honestly as you can. Rest assured that your answers will be treated with confidentiality.

Hoping for your cooperation,

Gino George Galang Astro Jake Enriquez

Soleandrea Ocampo Krizia Anne Agramon

Carissa C. Cabaysa
Thesis Adviser
Name: __________________________________ (optional)
Age: ___________ Sex: ___________
School: _____________________________________ Year Level: ________________

Instructions: Put a check on the blank before the option that serves as your answer to each question below. You can check more than once if the question does not ask for a yes or no answer.

1. Have you attended sex education classes? ____Yes ____No

2. Which of these topics were discussed in the sex education classes? ____Human sexual anatomy ____Sexual reproduction ____Sexual intercourse ____Reproductive health and sexually transmitted diseases ____Emotional relations ____Reproductive rights and responsibilities ____Abstinence ____Safe Sex and the use of contraceptives ____Other aspects of human sexual behavior

3. Have you seen any kind of pornographic material? ____Yes ____No

4. Have you accessed pornographic materials after your first exposure to it? ____Yes ____No

5. What type of pornographic materials have you accessed? ____Books ____Newspapers and tabloids ____CDs, VCDs, DVDs ____Internet ____Others, please specify __________________________________

6. What is your view about pornography? ____It is an art, that pornographic materials can be an expression of sexual urges ____It is natural for men and women to know about pornography ____It is any material that aides in sexual stimulation and pleasure ____It is a supposedly private material that is exposed for profit ____Others, please specify __________________________________

7. What is/are the effect/s of the pornographic material to you? ____Curiosity ____Enjoyment ____Guilt ____Others, please specify _______________________________

8. What do pornographic materials make you think about sex? ____Sinful ____Dirty ____Tempting ____Others, please specify _________________________________

9. What do you do after you view pornographic materials? ____Lessen the occurrence of viewing those materials ____Avoid it only after you satisfy your curiosity ____Avoid it altogether ____Others, please specify ________________________________

10. What has sex education made you think about sex? ____It is a sacred ____It offers pleasure ____It is for married couples only ____Others, please specify __________________________________

11. Do you think that sex education strengthens the view of the morality of sex? ____Yes ____No

12. Has sex education informed you about the consequences of sexual activity, such as sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy? ____Yes ____No

13. Has sex education generated your curiosity to view pornographic materials? ____Yes ____No

14. What do you think are the effects of your exposure to pornography? ____Degradation of values ____Addiction ____Enhancement of libido (Sexual Urges) ____Others, please specify _____

Dear respondent,

We, legal management students from San Beda College Manila, are conducting a survey as part of a study on “The Effectiveness of Sex Education in Opposing the Effects of Pornography”.

We will be very thankful for the time you can share by answering this questionnaire.

Please answer as honestly as you can. Rest assured that your answers will be treated with confidentiality.

Hoping for your cooperation,

Gino George Galang Astro Jake Enriquez

Soleandrea Ocampo Krizia Anne Agramon

Carissa C. Cabaysa
Thesis Adviser
Name: __________________________________ (optional)
Age: ___________ Sex: ___________
School: _____________________________________ Year Level: ________________

Instructions: Put a check on the blank before the option that serves as your answer to each question below. You can check more than once if the question does not ask for a yes or no answer.

1. Have you seen any kind of pornographic material? ____Yes ____No

2. Have you attempted to access pornographic materials after your first exposure to it? ____Yes ____No

3. What type of pornographic materials have you accessed? ____Books ____Newspapers and tabloids ____CDs, VCDs, DVDs ____Internet ____Others, please specify __________________________________

4. What is your view about sex? ____It is a sacred act done after marriage ____It offers pleasure ____It is a natural act done to reproduce ____It is only for married couples ____Others, please specify __________________________________

5. What is your view about pornography? ____It is an art, that pornographic materials can be an expression of sexual urges ____It is natural for men and women to know about pornography ____It is any material that aides in sexual stimulation and pleasure ____It is a supposedly private material that is exposed for profit ____Others, please specify __________________________________

6. What thoughts dominate your mind when you see pornographic materials? ____It is immoral and sinful ____It is natural to know about it. ____It informs and guides about sex ____It is a social matter, and lack of knowledge about sex makes you “uncool” ____Others, please specify __________________________________

7. What is/are the effect/s of the pornographic material to you? ____Curiosity ____Enjoyment ____Guilt ____Others, please specify _______________________________

8. What do pornographic materials make you think about sex? ____Sinful ____Dirty ____Tempting ____Others, please specify _________________________________

9. What do you do after you view pornographic materials? ____Lessen the occurrence of viewing those materials ____Avoid it only after you satisfy your curiosity ____Avoid it altogether ____Others, please specify ________________________________

10. Do you think that sex education strengthens the view of the morality of sex? ____Yes ____No

11. Do you think if you had sex education, it will inform you about the consequences of sexual activity, such as sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy? ____Yes ____No

12. What do you think are the effects of your exposure to pornography? ____Degradation of values ____Addiction ____Enhancement of libido (Sexual Urges) ____Others, please specify _____

September 30, 2010

Arellano University
Sampaloc, Metro Manila


Greetings of peace and solidarity!

We, legal management students from San Beda College, Manila need to complete a study entitled “The Role of Sex Education in Opposing the Effects of Pornography”. This is a requirement in English 04 (Research Methods and Application).

We then seek permission to distribute survey questionnaires to your students whom we believe have had sex education.

Your favorable response will be valuable not only in the completion of our work but also in our search for more knowledge in the stated topic.

We sincerely thank you for your time.

Sincerely yours,




Professor, English 04

September 30, 2010

O.B. Montessori
San Juan City, Metro Manila


Greetings of peace and solidarity!

We, legal management students from San Beda College, Manila need to complete a study entitled “The Role of Sex Education in Opposing the Effects of Pornography”. This is a requirement in English 04 (Research Methods and Application).

Our research involves the perspectives of both teenagers who have had sex education as part of their curriculum and those who have not had such. As we have known, your students belong to the latter group; hence we seek permission to distribute survey questionnaires to your students.

Your favorable response will be valuable not only in the completion of our work but also in our search for more knowledge in the stated topic.

We sincerely thank you for your time.

Respectfully yours,




Professor, English 04
Intervening Variables

• Print and Electronic Media • Religion’s Opinions about Sex Ed. • Curriculum presented for Sex Ed. • Qualification of Teachers • Parents’ Attitude and Degree of Involvement • Cooperation and Communication between Church, Parents and Educators • The Personal Characteristics and Traits of Students

Independent Variable

The implementation of Sex Education in Schools

Dependent Variable

The effect on the morality, conduct and attitude of Filipino adolescents towards sex

References: • Arellano University (2010). Education: Goals and Objectives of Arellano University (High School). Arellano University: Retrieved September 28, 2010. • Barrinuevo, J.L, Herrera, C.F., Requejo, R.E. (August 3, 2004). Bill advocates sex education. Manila Standard: p. 1. • Biazon, R., 14th Congress of the Philippines. (2007) Reproductive Health Care Act: An act providing for reproductive health care structures and appropriating funds therefor. Manila: 14th Congress of the Philippines. • Calasagsag, S.S. (February 26, 2010). Street kids learn the ABC’s of sex from media. Manila Chronicle: p. 5 • Catholic News Agency (July 6, 2010) • Commission of Population. (2000) State of the Philippine Population Report 2nd Edition : “PINOY YOUTH: Making Choices, Building Voices”. Mandaluyong City: Commission on Population. • Department of Education. (2010) Memorandum No. 261: Operationalization of the UnFPA-Assisted Project “Institutionalizing Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) through Lifeskills-Based Education”. Pasig City: Department of Education. • DepEd on Sex Ed: It’s not About Sex (June 5, 2010). ABS-CBN News: Retrieved September 28, 2010. • Dizon, D. (June 21, 2010) DepEd sued over sex education plan. ABS-CBN News: Retrieved Sept. 28, 2010. • Editorial: Sex education. (September 14, 2009). Manila Times: p. A6 • Espinosa, H • Esplanada, J. (March 31, 2008). DepEd Set to Launch Sex Education in Public Schools. Retrieved Sept. 28, 2010. • Filas, F. (1966). Sex education in the family. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Publishing. • Flores, H. (June 20, 2010). Former CBCP head urges DepEd to consult parents on sex education. The Philippine Star: . Retrieved September 28, 2010. • Georpe, R.S. (January 26, 2002). Let’s talk about sex, mom! Manila Bulletin: p. F4. • Guenero, I. V. (1982). Sexorama – sex education = sariling paturuan. Metro Manila: Guenero Publishing. p. 3, 10 • Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN) (June 18, 2010) • Lagarde, R. (june 18, 2010). Prelate Says Parents Key to Sex Education. Union of Catholic Asian News: . Retrieved September 28, 2010. • Lagman, E.C., et al. (2008). House Bill No. 5043: An act providing for a national policy on reproductive health, responsible parenthood and population development, and for other purposes. Quezon City: 14th Congress of the Philippines. • Lagman, E. (2010) Reproductive health bill: Facts, fallacies. 2010 Presidentiables Blog: Retrieved Sept. 28, 2010. • Landicho, O.R. (March 13, 1994). Importance of sex education among Filipino students cited. Times Journal: p. 14. • Luib, R.T. (August 16, 1994). Walling off the parents. Business World: p.1,7 • Macairan, E • McCann Erickson, Inc. (2000). The McCann Erickson Youth Study 2000: A Synopsis. Manila: McCann Erickson, Inc. • Miller, P.M. (1994). Sex is not a four letter word. Quezon City: Kadena Books. • O’Brian, J.A. (1980). Sex-character education: exploring facts of life to young. New York: Macmillan Publishing. P. 3, 91 • Operation Brotherhood Montessori, Montessori Inc • Pornography (2010). Pornography. Wikipedia: Retrieved Sept. 28, 2010. • Puno Jr., R.V. (June 22, 2006) Deped sex ed. Philippine Star: p.13 • Reproductive Health Bill in the Philippines (2010) • Rubrico, J.G.U. (July 21, 2010). Sex Vs God in the Philippines. Asia Times: Retrieved September 28, 2010. • Santiago, M.A. (March 12, 2008) Pagtutol ng simbahan sa sex education, idudulog sa SC. Manila Standard: p. 4 • Sex Education (2010) Overview • Sex Education (2010) Sex Education worldwide. Wikipedia: Retrieved Sept. 28, 2010. • Sex Education Debate Heats Up in the Philippines (June 21, 2010). Yahoo! Health: Retrieved Sept. 28, 2010. • Solmerin, F.S. (June 12, 2006). Education justifies ‘sex lessons’. Manila Standard Today: p. A3. • Teenage Pregnancy: A Rising Trend Among Young Women (January 10, 2006). Global Pinoy Health Features: Retrieved September 28, 2010. • Teves, O. (June 1, 2010) Philippine tests sex education in public schools. Boston News: Retrieved September 28, 2010. • Villegas, B.M. (November 27, 2009). Sex Educationin the RH bill. Manila Bulletin: p. 11 • Youth lacks access to sex education

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    For my final paper for American Culture class, I will explore the need to teach sex education in school, especially in high school. My paper will discuss both cultural and pedagogical sides of the topic. It is a reflection of the movie "The Education of Shelby Knox", which well illustrates how teen students' life is without having sex education in their school curriculum. Based on the content of the movie and the information I have read from many articles on the topic, I will show more of my understanding on this special aspect, sex education, of American education and culture.…

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  • Better Essays

    Birds and the Bees

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    Parents always seem to agree on education being a vital aspect of life. Knowledge of literature, math, and philosophy can help students go far beyond their expectations; however this process starts with awareness at a young age. One topic that is widely neglected in education is sex. Sexual education classes vary tremendously across the nation; while some schools insist on hiding the facts from children, others are much more open with discussion. Abstinence only classes are popular among educators, but statistically they are highly ineffective. As sex becomes a reality for younger aged students, it is necessary for schools to provide suitable sex ed classes to reduce teen pregnancy and STD rates. This has turned into an ethical problem, with educators hiding information from students; they are also sheltering them from reality.…

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    Nusing 440

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    These educative programs need to be implemented in the school system. Each semester, there should be one required sex education assembly to make kids aware of the consequences of unsafe sex and the difficulty of unplanned pregnancy. They would be educated on how girls get pregnant, what happens to the girl’s body during and after pregnancy, and the risks that pregnancy may entail such as STD’s, HIV and AIDS. They would also need to be educated on estimated costs of having a baby and the amount of time required when taking responsibility of having a child. Then, if the youth are…

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  • Good Essays

    Sex Education Dbq

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    Sex instruction is critical, however numerous amounts of students complete sex education classes with a mutilated perspective of sexuality and without a decent comprehension of contraception and safe-sex practices. Schools without sex education, leave children confused and often misguided. Students are left to learn through their parents about sex, who could, in turn, be misinformed themselves by never having taken a course in sexual education. Without sexual education classes, little is accomplished leaving a defective and contorted, one-sided point of view of safe sex such as abstinence. The lack of knowledge also can lead to an increase in teen pregnancy, and the spread of sexually transmitted disease, Sexual education should be taught to…

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    Carnal knowledge

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    In the debate over sex education, one thing is undisputed: The average kid today is immersed in sexual imagery. A generation that has grown up on the sordid details of the Starr Report, watched thong-clad teens gyrate on Spring Break cable specials, or read the cover of nearly any women’s magazine in the grocery check-out line is familiar with the facts of life.…

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  • Powerful Essays

    Final Fantasy XIII’s Parallels to Mythology Final Fantasy is a roleplaying videogame series, which includes many elements, and morals that can be found in Greek mythology. The plot of this video game is highly complicated, due to it taking place in a futuristic or alternate universe. Although there are fourteen different editions of Final Fantasy, the themes of the games all remain similar. They all take place in separate galaxies, which are much different from ours. Most characters are based off of humans, and technology is very prevalent.…

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  • Best Essays

    How do young people today obtain knowledge regarding the practice of safe sex? In the United States today, sex education in the most public and private schools consist of abstinence-only programs. The Abstinence-only types of programs leave young people uneducated on the practices of safe sex and can put them in danger of contracting STD’s (sexually transmitted diseases), including HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus), as well as unplanned pregnancies. In 2004 the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported 4,883 young people, ranging in ages 13-24 had contracted HIV (CDC,…

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    Nola Pender

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    Graham, T. (1999). Sex education programs in schools: influence on knowledge and behaviors of teenagers (master’s thesis). Retrieved March 17, 2012, from…

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    An End to Ignorance

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    (3)Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Sex Education in America: A Series of National Surveys of Students, Parents, Teachers and Principals (Summary of Findings) September 2000. Web. 20 Feb. 2012.…

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  • Better Essays

    Natale, Jo Anna. "The Hot New World in Sex Ed." American School Board Journal (1995): 18-25. Print.…

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  • Good Essays

    In today’s economic situation and with the cost of medical bills on the rise, it makes since to focus on sex education in the school system. In the United States teen pregnancy rates and STD rates continue to lead the way with the highest numbers in the developed world, more than twice as high as rates in other countries. According to the Guttmacher Institute in the article “Facts on American Teens” Sexual and Reproductive Health” (January 2011), only 13% of teens have ever had vaginal sex by the age of 15, sexual activity is common by the late teen years. Sex education is an outlet for teens to receive information, examine their values and learn relationship skills that will enable them to resist becoming sexually active before they are ready. It also is to prevent unprotected intercourse and to help young people become responsible sexually healthy adults, Guttmacher Institute (School-Based Sexuality Education: The Issues and Challenges, Patricia Donovan). Sex education in public schools will lead young teenagers to healthier sex behavior now and in their later lives.…

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  • Good Essays

    There are various struggles faced by the American people because of the mishaps of sex. Many religions and faiths indurate the task to teach the concepts of sexual conduct. Some feel it is of great importance to give sex education whereas others think it goes against common principles. However based on surveys many parents are very abstinent or too shy to talk with their children about sex education. One may argue that the sex revolution of 1960’s was very devastating, aggrandizing teen pregnancy and divorce rates and proliferating sexually transmitted diseases such as aids and herpes which have no cure. However it is also very important because it drew the attention of the authority’s and public towards the necessity of sex education. The opposing views says that giving kids information on birth control encourages them to have sex and abstaining is the only way to prevent teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Whether or not sex education should be permitted and will be beneficial is a question many are asking, but only few know the answer to.…

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  • Good Essays

    Comprehensive sex education teaches that abstinence is the best method for avoiding STDs and unintended pregnancy, but it also teaches students about condoms and contraception. It also teaches interpersonal communication skills and helps young people explore their own values, goals, and personal options (“Sex Education Programs: Definitions & Point-by-Point Comparison”). Comprehensive sex education allows adolescents to learn all of the facts of sex, including contraception, if they choose to live a sexually active life style, while protecting them from STDs and unexpected pregnancy. On the other hand, the abstinence-only method of sex education conservatively teaches the prevention of STDs and unintended pregnancy.…

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    RH bill

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    The acute changes of the Reproductive Health Bill on Filipino education may lead to positive and negative outcome to children and teenagers. Due to the passing of RH Bill, education is one of the categories that is most affected. Sexual education was made optional by the RH Bill authors in 2011. It was required under the Reproductive Health Bill, the mandatory age-appropriate reproductive health and sexuality education to all students of Grade Five up to Fourth Year High School. Considering that it shall be integrated in all relevant subjects. It is for the purpose…

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