Sex education in Malaysia at present be taught informally. Should sex education be introduced in school syllabus in Malaysia? Before answering this question, we must to indicate the problems and its solution.
The main problem is the limited knowledge about body and sexuality among Malaysian teenagers. Due to sensitivity of this issue, it makes the adolescents receive inadequate education, guidance and services on reproductive health. This will led them vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases and infections. Also, rape cases in Malaysia will be increasing from time to time. Another problem is Malaysian adolescents and youth, especially girls, face daunting reproductive and sexual health problem: unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortions maternal mortality and morbidity, violence, sexually transmitted diseases and infections, exploitation and discrimination on the basis of gender and sexual orientation.
The sex education should be introduced to increase the sexual awareness among youths. Sexuality education enables them to make informed decisions when they become young adults later in preventing unintended pregnancies, baby dumping and getting sexually transmitted diseases (Kamaruzaman, 2012). A good sex education will help today’s youths to acquire accurate sexual information and make decisions about their sexual behaviours more wisely (Ramis, 2013).
From the religious point of view, sex education can be taught in a way that informs young people about sexuality in scientific and moral terms. The moral and religious aspects of sexuality can be incorporated either in schools of a particular religious denomination or in adjunctive coursework offered by religious institutions. Regardless of the challenges of each society, young people must be adequately informed. In some Muslim communities, individuals are encouraged to marry at young ages. They need to be educated regarding sexuality prior to the marriage such that they know what to expect and can consider their options for birth control prior to consummating the marriage.
In conclusion, sex education is the solution of all those problems stated if it be taught in a correct way. In our opinion, sex education should be introduced in school syllabus in Malaysia but it must be focused on preventing those problems. Approx. 340 words.
Kamaruzaman, A. (2012, February 29). Sex education helps young be responsible. The Star. Retrieved on 25th January 2013.
Ramis, T.S. (2013, June 27). Sex Education in Malaysia. Free Malaysia Today. Retrieved on 25th January 2013.
Outline of Term Paper
Sex Education: Problems and Its Solutions
Thesis statement:
Should sex education be introduced in school syllabus in Malaysia? Before answering this question, we must to indicate the problems and its solution.
PROBLEM 1: Limited knowledge about body and sexuality among Malaysian teenagers.
A. The adolescents receive inadequate education, guidance and services on reproductive health.
B. Vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases and infections.
PROBLEM 2: Adolescents face daunting reproductive and sexual health problem.
A. Unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortions maternal mortality and morbidity, violence, sexually transmitted diseases and infections.
B. Exploitation and discrimination on the basis of gender and sexual orientation.
SOLUTION 1: Increase the sexual awareness among youths.
A. Sexuality education enables them to make informed decisions when they become young adults later.
B. Help today’s youths to acquire accurate sexual information and make decisions about their sexual behaviours more wisely.
SOLUTION 2: From religious point of view.
A. Moral and religious aspects of sexuality can be incorporated either in schools of a particular religious denomination or in adjunctive coursework offered by religious institutions.
B. Need to be educated regarding sexuality prior to the marriage such that they know what to expect and can consider their options for birth control prior to consummating the marriage.
Sex education is the solution of all problems stated.
Sex education should be introduced in school syllabus in Malaysia but it must be focused on preventing those problems.
Quotation and Idiomatic Expression:
“Prevention is much better than cure”
References: Kamaruzaman, A. (2012, February 29). Sex education helps young be responsible. The Star. Retrieved on 25th January 2013. Ramis, T.S. (2013, June 27). Sex Education in Malaysia. Free Malaysia Today. Retrieved on 25th January 2013.
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