The authors explained to readers that God intended for sex to be enjoyed mutually within a marriage between a man and a woman and that sex can make or break a marriage. According to (Penner & Penner, 2003),…
The Primary Precepts of Natural Law require us to ‘live in an ordered society’ to ‘reproduce’, to ‘educate our young’, to ‘protect the innocent’ and the most important to ‘worship God’. The most relevant of these in this subject is reproduction, and if you look at it as a duty to continue the re-population of God’s people than of course sex can be understood as a good and moral action. In fact there are many biblic references to sex and Gods opinion on it, in Genesis He says; ‘be fruitful and increase in number’ and through-out it shows that sex is necessary. The problem for a Natural Law supporter comes when sex is only done as an ‘efficient’ cause, e.g. for pleasure and enjoyment, this is not following God’s final cause of re-production.…
Natural Law, the basis for many of the teachings of the Catholic Church, is often considered a very conservative approach to sexual ethics, particularly to pre-marital sex. This allows for many interesting points for discussion in a modern society like our own. In this essay I will outline the Natural Law approach to pre-marital sex and evaluate its reliability. I will also outline and evaluate other ethical approaches to the topic in an attempt to determine if a more reliable approach is available.…
The predominant view of our culture is that marriage is a covenant of sexual faithfulness, excluding other sexual relationships only while it is in force. There is therefore nothing inherently wrong with pre-marital sex, from a legal viewpoint, as it does not break the marriage covenant. As a Christian, one may rightly argue that pre-marital sex is unwise, in that it may reduce one's capacity for intimacy with one's future marriage partner. However if he or she accept this definition, he or she will have difficulty explaining why it is wrong in an absolute sense. Others will see he or she as out of step with the majority view in contemporary western culture that pre-marital sex is useful in testing a relationship prior to making a long-term commitment. Contemporary culture still tends to see marital infidelity as wrong, but sees pre-marital sex as something quite different.…
In “Sexual Morality and the Concept of Using Another Person”, Thomas Mappes distinguishes between threats and offers. The main difference being, a threat has an undesirable consequence that would leave you worse off than you were in the first place, as opposed to an offer which would present a desirable consequence and leave you better off. Mappes gives a examples of threats in cases one and two. First case: Mr. Supervisor makes sexual advances towards Ms. Employee, which are firmly rejected. Eventually, Mr. Supervisor makes it clear in order for her to keep her job, she must submit sexual favors. This is a threat because…
Sexual involvement can seriously impact goals that have been set by teens as it can set the person off path in regards to education and rather than finish school and go to college the person might become pregnant or just stop going to school.…
everyday lives. The general view within Christianity is that sexual intercourse is both morally and…
Consequence 1: Sexually transmitted diseases, STDs, are major consequence when it comes to unsafe sexually activity. Many diseases like HPV, HIV, and AIDS can lead to living diseased ridden life.…
Sexuality is important in the lives of all Christian adherents and it is for this reason that Christianity offers many explicit instructions on sexual intercourse and sexual behaviours, such as when, where and with whom sexual expression is permitted. Guidance for the expression of sexuality is sourced in the Christian sacred texts the New Testament and the Hebrew scriptures and differs throughout the various Christian denominations. Christians are essentially encouraged to enjoy sexual relations within the confines of a loving, adult, heterosexual and married relationship, any other sexual behaviour in considered sinful. “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and joins himself to his wife, they become one body” (Genesis 2:24)…
I believe in being abstinent because if I choose to have sex before marriage then I may get pregnant. The last thing I want is to have a baby with no husband. Getting pregnant would completely ruin my life and I am too young to worry about something like having to take care of a baby that is my own. Participating in abstinence will for sure save me from having struggles in my life that I could prevent very easily.…
Philosophy of sex is philosophy that involves the study of sex and love. But what is love? Love is a deep affection towards a person. And what is sex? To have sex is engaging in sexual intercourse between a male and female. This causes phenomena. Is prostitution or rape sex? Does homosexuality affect the definition of sex? And what motivates people to have sex?…
4. Acceptable Morality: Having sex with someone who you are not married to is legal and morally acceptable in most cultures. Having sex for entertainment purposes is also legal and morally acceptable in most cultures.…
Very many of the problems about which people generally seek counselling help are associated with marriage and family life. The most affecting and talked about is the issue of sex outside marriage which is the most oiling factor in marriage breakdown nowadays.…
In the Western culture we are a very sex negative society. For example looking at how kids are taught about sex its always a very negative way. Classes are typically oriented around avoiding sex (abstinence) and how it can be potentially harming to how people view them. The topics of masturbation, prostitution and pornography are very much frowned upon in the Western culture because live in such a sex negative secluded society. These things shouldn’t be looked on as unethical because it is every individual’s choice with their sexuality and how they want to perceive it as.…
Negative impacts such as upland pregnancy and 1 out of 4 unplanned pregnancies are genuinely accepted. Reasons being that being a mother and or a father is a great responsibly. Taking cure of a little baby is a very big job. And in your early levels of college education a child is more than just a distraction, but a whole new life style. Even more stressful than getting a child from the sex is getting a curse from sex. Because just as how sex can bring new life to earth so it can take life from earth. AIDs and or HIV does wonders to the mind and body in such a way, that it most times leads to death. Even though we all are walking to death, no one what’s to run there.…