Brittany L Turner
English 093
Summer 2012
Ivy Tech Community College
Protecting Our Community
The number of registered sex offenders have increasingly grew over the years. Every day you see a man or women added to the registry for crimes against women and mostly children. The sex offender registries biggest and main focus is to keep the people in the community in each city and state informed and protected. ”Sex offenders and sex crimes provoke a great deal of anxiety in our society.” Baker, J, Brannon, Y, N., Fortney. , Levenson, J.S. (“Public Perceptions about Sex Offenders and Community Protection”). The sex offender registry is based solely on protecting the public from being a victim to sexual assault. However the public does hold dome wrong beliefs about registered sex offenders. Many people in the community feel that sex offenders can’t be treated at all.
Community’s reaction to sex offenders
The public ultimately has a great deal of fear toward sex offenders. Law makers have consequently passed a variety of laws to protect the public. (La Ford, 2005 Iles & Tewksbury, 2006, Petrunik, 2003). Dating back to the 1990’s the legislatures have taken initiative for the community. Some of the techniques and things that the government has used to protect the public or: sex offender registry, community notification, civil commitment, residence restrictions, enhanced sentencing guidelines, and electric monitoring. These six things are just some steps and precautions taken to insure the safety of our communities.
Laws passed to protect the public against sex offenders
In 1994 “The Jacob Wetterling Crimes against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act” was passed. This required each state to maintain and continuously update a registry especially for sex offenders. The registry lists all registered sex, the type of crime they committed, workplace of the offender, and home address. The registry