For this assignment I chose to use the yahoo search engine to look up information on Human Trafficking in the United States. There were approximately 12 links I could have chosen from that were related to human trafficking. I chose the Wikipedia link. Wikipedia gives you a more in depth definition and information. The definition Wikipedia provided read as: human trafficking is the modern form of slavery, with illegal smuggling and tradimg of people, for forced labour or sexual exploitation. Trafficking is the recruitment or transferring of people by means of coercion or abduction. In the U.S human trafficking tends to occur in California and Texas. They both have an integrated population, mostly made up of immigrants. The U.S Justice Department cannot give a definite number of how many people are trafficked into the country; they do estimate the number to be about 17,500. Those being trafficked are usually young children, teenagers, men and women and domestic citizens or foreign nationals. Wikipedia gives a little history on slavery. It also tells of a man named Richard Leonard Kuklinski, he was an imprisoned murderer. He descrived to a biographer that the ages of children trafficked are between 7-14, of both genders and two races. Another country that is one of the largest hubs for trafficking is Atlanta, Georgia. They have over 200 active brothels and more open each month. Atlanta has strip clubs and spas that serve as a front for sex trafficking. Wikipedia goes on to tell about the laws, bills, and national organizations hat are against any kind of trafficking. I would probably not recommend yahoo as a search engine. Often times it give you results not related to the intial search. I would recommend Wikipedia though. It gives you great information about your topic of choice and it also gives you other sites you can do research on.…