Every year, thousands of men, women, and children fall into the hands of traffickers in their own countries and around the world. Human trafficking is the illegal trade of humans into any kind of modern slavery. Sex trafficking is a type of human trafficking that forces people into sexual practices. Rose Corazza states that, "Every case of sex slavery involves multiple crimes: fraud, kidnaping, assault, rape, and sometimes murder"(Corazza) Every country in the world is affected by trafficking, but Thailand has become a top destination country for receiving trafficked people. In Thailand, many women and children are forced into the sex industry and are negatively affected emotionally, mentally, and physically.
The women and children that are trafficked come from all over world. Larger numbers come from neighboring countries and are lured into prostitution or are trafficked through the Four Thai Borders. "Due to the growth of the sex industry, when demand is greater than supply, there is often the expansion of the sex trade into outlying areas in an effort to find new, young prostitutes. Girls are recruited from Hill tribe areas of the North and North-East as well as Burma and China."(4) Many girls are from the Hill tribes because nobody has a citizenship there and without a citizenship you can't work. The girls are very vulnerable and if they do happen to be taken no one is going to go looking for them. Over one million women from Burma, southern China, Laos, and Vietnam have been trafficked into Thailand. Women from Thailand are Hill 2 trafficked to the Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Australia, India, Malaysia, and nations in the Middle East. Men want certain types of women. They want certain skin, hair, and eye colors, curves, and a submissive attitude. Some women are too thin, too fat or