What exactly is sexism? According to Merriam-Webster.com, Sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially discrimination against women. The sources behind this oppression are commonly women scholars, Womanism, Feminism, and Feminist-Christians. I believe…
Do you have a pet peeve? If so, what is it? Is it that of people talking on their cell phone while in the checkout line in a grocery store? Or, drivers not using their blinkers while changing lanes? Well, one of my biggest pet peeves is double standards or hypocrites. It really bothers me when people say one thing and with their actions do the exact opposite. In the book King Leopold’s Ghost, there are three characters that display the most hypocrisy, King Leopold, Henry Morton Stanley and Colonel George Washington Williams.…
Sexism is defined as the overarching system of advantages bestowed upon men. As a prejudice and discriminatory ideology based on gender, founded on a patriarchal structure of male dominance promoted through individual, institutional, social, and cultural systems. As an umbrella unfairly placed above the heads of men in the presence of a monsoon, leaving the women cold, wet, and yearning for equality. The insidious ideology that fuels sexism in culture not only perpetuates misogynistic dogmatism, but poses as a direct threat to women’s safety and self-esteem in various ways. The most commonly overlooked form of sexism is the “Friend-zone”, a manifestation of misogynistic ideology created by vapid petulant men who refuse to take “no” for an answer, and is used as an excuse for aggressive male dominance as well as sexual and domestic violence. According to the friend…
Withers Osmond and Patricia Yancey Martin’s article discuss the topic of sex and sexism. It’s an analysis of sex-role attitudes by sex of respondent highlights the sex role concept. They examined both roles of both sexes in terms of four theoretical components; marcolevel social change issues, familial role of both sexes, extrafamilial role of females and the stereotype of both sexes. Within the four components males and female tend to have the least differences in macrolevel social change issues and the familial role of both sexes. They however…
Averting your eyes away from something is easier said than done. When we drive down the road and see an accident, our natural instinct – as macabre as it may be- is to take a peek at the carnage. The average person will see the accident, stare perhaps for a couple more seconds then they should, and then continue on with their lives. When we see an accident on the side of the road, we may be exposing ourselves to sights or sounds that we would rather not see or hear. When we go on the internet, we may run into websites that contain content that we find abhorrent and then quickly leave the website, hopefully to never see such things again. However, what happens when our eyes are not averted from this abhorrent content, but drawn? There are hundreds…
Sexism has always been an area of debate for a long time. People fill that Traditional sexism still is the norm in today’s society. Over time though a new leafofsexism has started tounfold. Things that are implemented by traditional sexism I do not agreewith at all, things that are presented in the new roleof sexism I agree with. I will explain the examples oftraditional and modern sexism and explain why I agree and disagree with these statements. Traditional sexism is the onethat I oppose…
I think you could find a case for a lot of these examinations could relate to these songs, but the one that really stood out to be was the “sexual double standard,” along with “sexual objectification.” The reason for believing this, is because in the song “Dear Future Husband,” Megan Trainor says “Dear future husband, If you wanna get that special lovin’ Tell me I'm beautiful each and every night.” basically saying the only way you’re going to be able to get anything, is if you do that. She is making herself into a sexual object towards her future husband and selling off what he likes, to get what she wants. I personally think reinforce norms within our society. By doing this, she is just doing what culture seems to be “okay with” by not “selling…
I can fortunately and happily say that I personally have not experienced unequal treatment in regards to my chosen career, educational path or previously held jobs. What I do still see currently being stereotyped are gender roles and the way they are allowed or not allowed to sexually express themselves in the public eye. From my experience it is more acceptable for men to compose music about sex, be in main stream media selling sex, have successful careers in sex, and everyday unequal expectations in dating, sex and relationships. Men have more sexual freedom in the world today. Men are encouraged and in most cases applauded on the discussion of how many partners they have had in the past and the specifics of each experience, yet woman are still expected to hide their sex from the world in fear of ridicule and isolation.…
Sexism is a problem that every person will experience at least once in the life. The oppression can be as simple as a joke, to as a serious as rape or death. This bias endures hidden in stereotypes and in common practices, or it can be front page news. Gender discrimination is so remarkably ingrained into our society that it will always be commonplace in our everyday lives. The primary reason for it being perpetuated in our society is the history of ignorance and misinformation. Sexism appertains to the discrimination or prejudice of a person based on whether that is a man, women, or transgender.…
“Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings,” as Cheris Kramarae once eloquently stated. Feminism strives to end sexism and to achieve equal rights for men and women. In America, it has been attributed to getting women the right to vote, being able to run for a political office, and demanding workplace rights. However, sexism is still extremely rampant in the country, especially in the workplace, and feminism is the only way to end it.…
In the previous couple of days, Clinton advocates have actually provided a minimum of 3 descriptions, or perpetrators, for why the race is so close: James Comey; "incorrect equivalence" in the media; and also sexism. In each situation, they are into something.…
America as a whole can be seen as a sexist society. For example, statistics show that there are differences in pay between genders in the workplace. “ In 2015, female full-time workers made only 79 cents for every dollar earned by men, a gender wage gap of 21 percent. Women, on average, earn less than men in virtually every single occupation for which there is sufficient earnings data for both men and women to calculate an earnings ratio.…
The age-old double standard of sexuality and gender is a historical and still currently prevalent issue that both male and females both face, though one more than the other. A double standard, as defined by Merriam Webster, is a set of principles that apples differently and usually more rigorously to one group of people or circumstances than to another. It is clearly evident that there are double standards within the sexes regarding sexuality. Women are ridiculed, shamed, and stigmatized for being sexual beings, whereas men are praised, revered, and commended for being sexual beings.…
I believe that I fall under liberal on the political spectrum. I have very liberal beliefs and I have very progressive ideas and think the government should be more involved in people's lives. For example I believe that the government should be doing a much better job at protecting the earth and implement more laws to save the earth from global warming. Another very important issue that I believe the government is not doing enough to prevent is racism and sexism in America. Both these issues are prevalent in America and I believe that the government needs to do more to address these issues. Since Donald trump has become president I believe sexism, racism, and global warming issues have taken a backseat, to other less important issues. Conservatives…
Often time’s society define women by biological traits (i.e. menstruation, genitalia, and breast), gender roles, or nature but do those items really embody womanhood. Often time’s in our society the term woman or feminine is used to emasculate men in our sexist patriarchy system. Recently the idea of gender identity has become quite a controversial issue in recent political arenas, feminist organizations, and even public figure discussions. But has the term woman lost or gained in any recognition throughout U.S. History? As we studied throughout this semester we learned that term woman in American and colonial history has been contested both social construction and biologically. When we look at the term woman many think of the traditional…