There are many types of sexual abuse incidents, which can be either contact or no contact. Examples of contact abuse include: physical contact or touching offenses that include fondling, touching sexual organs, masturbation, making the child touch the adult sexually, and vaginal or anal penetration with self or objects. Non touching sexual violations include: exposing a child to pornographic material, indecent exposure, leering and deliberately putting the child in the position of witnessing sexual intercourse. In Heather’s case she was sexually abused by her stepfather from the ages of eight through fifteen, which included fondling, digital penetration, and intercourse. Any sexual abuse between a child …show more content…
For instances, Heather at the age of 35 has regained her memory of the sexual abuse and is experiencing severe symptoms of delayed rape trauma syndrome. To a victim of sexual abuse sex may feel like an obligation, they may suffer from vaginal pain, erection problems, and emotional detach themselves during sex. Obesity may also be a symptom if the victim believes she was abused because she was pretty, now she perceives obesity to be unattractive in hopes of lowering her chances of being abused again. Anorexia is another symptom that most commonly leads to suicide. Many of the more noticeable symptoms are your basic emotional immaturity, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and inability to see harm in their