Sexual assault is any sexual act that occurs between two people without the consent of one of the parties. Some examples of sexual assault are “..forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.” Women that are hurt shouldn’t be made to feel weak and vulnerable. The thing we should do to help women that fall victims to sexual assault is to help them in any way that they need it. Some women can feel too ashamed of being hurt to that severity that they do not want to come forward and then they just have to live with that and they never talk to anyone. If a woman is sexually hurt by someone why should they be made to feel weak and feel like the victim?
What can we do to improve the policies against sexual assault? When sexual assault is being reported it is the …show more content…
Even though this happens to someone we often have to think about the other person and the fact there could be something wrong with them. A person convicted of a sex crime also will face penalties other than jail or prison. Sex offenders normally are required to undergo treatment either in jail or prison or as a condition of probation (Author.) The person that commits the crime could be just as hurt as he one that they did it to. And they have a right to get the help that they need no matter what they did. No matter what we always have to help someone no matter what they did. There could be something wrong with them and they could just need someone to talk to.
In conclusion, sexual assault is very serious and there are many ways it can be done, but there are many things that we can do to prevent it. There are many things that we can do to help women when it comes to sexual assault. We need to show them how they can protect themselves and we need to let them know that if it has happened to them that is okay, and that they’re not