I. Sexual assault is a persistent problem in the US military and the general population.
A. In 2014, at least there were 20000 reported cases of unwanted sexual contact. The data on sexual assaults on the army service ranges between 9.5% to 43% among female soldiers and 1-12% among men.
B. In a recent survey of sexual assault in the military, the men and women that reported to have been sexually harassed are 4.9% and 1.0% respectively.
C. In the general population, the estimates of sexual assault include 28-33% for women and 12-18% for the men.
D. The problem of sexual assault in the military reflects the problem of sexual assault in the entire US population
and worldwide.
II. Numerous theories and ideas have been offered as to the cause of sexual assault in the military and the general population.
A. Gender stereotyping is a major issue since the military is defined by a patriarchal structure heavily dominated by men.
B. Historical and religious influences impact heavily on sexual assault where women are considered as a reward to the winning side.
C. Entitlement where men feel that they are entitled to regular sex.
D. Alcohol which is pervasive in the military is linked to increased risks of sexual violence.
III. The impact of sexual assault on the victims is a devastating experience.
A. The experiences affect the victim's physical and psychological health, career, and success even after leaving the military.
B. Studies have shown that one of the most contributing factors to PTSD among veterans and female service members is sexual assault.
C. Other adverse outcomes as a result of sexual harassment are, depression, substance abuse, and eating disorders.
IV. The US government, unlike other governments, is open about the rates of sexual assault among its military personnel.
A. The transparency on the issue enables the government to work towards identifying solutions.
B. The focus to address the problem is important since it recognizes that there is a need to protect the safety and health of its service members.
C. Ending sexual assault in the military is paramount to safeguarding human rights, addressing health care concerns, and promoting military readiness.