B. Thesis statement: Research suggests that comprehensive sex education programs should be implemented in public schools because they decrease sexual risk behaviors in adolescents as well as the rate of unplanned teen pregnancies.…
Sex education has been a debatable topic over the past decade. Whether the government should get involved by requiring sex ed classes, or step back and let the parents handle it, is the question everyone is discussing. There are two schools of thought about the type of education your child is taught, Comprehensive Sexuality Education, or Abstinence-Until-Marriage programs. Both are very opposite ends of the spectrum, and it usually depends on the state or school district you were brought up in to determine which lesson is taught.…
Anna Quindlen the author of “Sex Ed” states that sex is a dry subject and taught differently due to morals. Quindlen believes that sex should be taught at school but in the home as well. I believe sex is a very sensitive subject. It’s a subject that should be taught by the parents and in school. Teaching young teens about sex in school is great, but teaching them about sex at home is even better. Openly talking to teens at home allows you to provide answers…
Sex instruction is critical, however numerous amounts of students complete sex education classes with a mutilated perspective of sexuality and without a decent comprehension of contraception and safe-sex practices. Schools without sex education, leave children confused and often misguided. Students are left to learn through their parents about sex, who could, in turn, be misinformed themselves by never having taken a course in sexual education. Without sexual education classes, little is accomplished leaving a defective and contorted, one-sided point of view of safe sex such as abstinence. The lack of knowledge also can lead to an increase in teen pregnancy, and the spread of sexually transmitted disease, Sexual education should be taught to…
This may seem like a rather simple-minded question, but one of the questions that should I always be posed before any endeavor is, "why do it?" and "what do we hope to gain from it?" I am surprised how some schools don't teach about sex education. This is a very important education because not learning about human sexuality can effect teen's life. For example, they will less likely to go to college or finding a job since they are pregnant. Sex education in general is a primary source of motivation. Just consider the amount of time spent thinking and planning for sex, and let alone the time spent in sexual behavior itself. Sexual motivation does to some extent influence human behavior. Another reason for…
Should schools teach more about sex education? Would it help boys and girls be safer? Would there be less Sexually Transmitted Diseases or more? “The truth is if teens learned more about sex then there would be less teen pregnancies and less STDs.” ("5 Reasons Schools Should Adopt LGBTQ-inclusive Sex Ed.") I think teen pregnancies are unfortunate and teens should really think more about the consequence and how it can affect your life. “Most students, however, do not receive any instruction until 9th or 10th grade, by which time many have already became sexually active.” ("Implementing Sex Education.") “Ages 15 to 24 makeup 25 percent of the sexually active population, but acquire half of all new Sexually Transmitted Infections which is about 9.8 million new cases a year.” (“FACTS ABOUT SEX EDUCATION.")…
This type of sex education becomes a great problem when discussing about the topic of sex education. Not only is the Abstinence-Only Sex Education system restricting the students knowledge of sex, it is also brainwashing the students into thinking any type of sex is bad. Because of the negative connotation that students are raised with when it comes to sex, the topic of sex is never a comfortable topic to talk about with both teens and adults.…
Starting with children, parents should have age appropriate discussions with them about love, relationships, values, and physical anatomy. It is more appropriate to be open and honest while talking to children and teens than to keep the information from them. Boys and girls should know what a penis, scrotum, and vagina are without using substitutes like calling them "wee-wee or pee-pee.” Parents should not be afraid to answer their kids ' questions about their bodies or the opposite sex. Withholding the information results in ignorance and, with something as purely natural as sexuality, there is not really a reason not to teach about it. Parents should answer their kids ' more in-depth questions when they are asked (i.e. “Where do babies come from?”) regardless of the age. If the honest answer is good enough, or the kid is a little confused but wanders off satisfied with the answer, which is great. If children continue to ask more questions, the answers should continue to be honest and presented in a way the kid can understand. If parents make sex education an open topic with their children, the kids will feel more comfortable talking and asking questions about sex and their body changes when they turn into teens. If parents discourage talking or answering questions, teenagers will be looking for answers from their friends and the media. In our survey we found, in the filtered information, that teens…
It is hard for me to pinpoint the beginning of my sexual awareness. Throughout my rearing, questions about sex were never brought to my parents. However, my parents, family, media, social/educational, past relationships and religious upbringing had an impacted on the development of my sexual and gender identity.…
Sex education should be taught at home in a controlled environment. Each parent is different and prefers to teach their kids in different ways. Some parents may not want their kids to learn about sex until a certain age. Teaching sex ed at home prevents our children from learning about sex before they are ready and allows for parents to teach their children at the pace they feel is best for their child. When I was in sex ed class I felt uncomfortable in a classroom full of other kids while learning about the intimate act of sex. I do not want my child to have to endure that feeling and the risks of being made fun of by other kids who are not taking the class seriously. Sex is not a public act and should not be taught in public school. I believe that if sex ed is taught in schools it makes it easier for children to talk openly about it with their peers. This makes it easier for them to have sex. In the 50’s girls did not propose sex because they…
The issue of sex education in schools has been a debate among parents, school administrators, health officials, and religious organizations for years. We all know that the safest sex is no sex at all, yet we continue to engage in that activity. If we are not, then we are thinking about it, planning on doing so in the future, or being bombarded by it in the media. Abstinence-only sex education persuades teens to wait until marriage before having sex, but totally ignores all other aspects of comprehensive sexual education, like safe sex and the use of contraceptives and birth control ("Truth About Abstinence-Only Programs," n.d.). Abstinence-only programs are not effective at delaying sexual activity, preventing unwanted pregnancy, or reducing Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD’s).…
As a student who has gone through the Texas education system since the 6th grade, I found a Sex-Ed class to be nothing but informing. Studies have shown that students who have gone through a abstinence class that includes accurate information over contraception, relationships, STD’s and societal pressures have delayed having sex. This is one piece of evidence in my mind that shows how important a class of this topic really can be. In addition, one of the most overlooked factors over a…
Sex Education, should it be taught in schools? Many debates have been argued over this subject. Some may say that sex education teaches students about how sexual intercourse is done, thus destroying the mortality of people. Although mortality is lowered by sex education, it should be taught in both secondary and primary schools because it gives children and young adults the idea of what is right and wrong, teaches about sex outside of marriage and sexual diseases, and is more effective than abstinence classes.…
I live in a household with an intensely religious mother. I was taught that people were straight, married straight, and felt straight. If anyone had different feelings they had some deep rooted issues and needed to find God. Until I was twelve, I accepted this. Why would my parents mislead me in any way? They were, of course, all knowing about the world. When I moved to my third new school in 6th grade, I was introduced to new people and new information. As my view of the world began to expand I became less enthralled with the views about sexuality I had been given at home.…
I have never struggled with my sexuality personally, however, I have always cared greatly about the way I look. Some people call me “metro sexual”. This all started when I was very young. Because I wore nice clothes, and did my hair everyday, some people would mistake me for homosexual. This did not bother me though because I have always been comfortable with my sexuality because I know that I am not homosexual. I just like to look good, which in turn helps me feel good about myself. On the other hand, I think that the media may have played an unhelpful part in raising awareness and understanding about sexuality. Although some programs out there do a great job of explaining these concepts, most of the ones that I was exposed to, did not. Communication about sexuality is definitely welcomed when talking with my mother. However, it is almost fully unwelcomed when talking with my father. We just never talked about that sort of stuff. With my Dad and I, it has always been all about sports. Although, I am comfortable talking about my sexuality in general with all of my family members, I am not be comfortable going into detail on my sexual experiences. I think this is the case because my sexual experiences are a private, intimate matter. My family has no business in knowing about it unless something negative comes out of it, which it never…