The birth control pill went on the market in 1960, it was endorsed and distributed by the doctors. The use of this product spread rapidly throughout the nation internationally within the late 60’s, it was extraordinarily popular, and by 1962 it was estimation that over that 1,187,000 women were using this contraceptive method.
The pill allowed women greater freedom in relationships and also meant they had complete control of their own fertility, it prevented unwanted pregnancy’s and the changing codes of behavior within sexuality of the 50’s that you were allowed to have sexual partners without being engaged.
The outbreak of the pill created a revolution that came under the influence of the women’s movement, when the pill became one of the strategies that women could use to achieve self-determination. The pill still remains an important tool for women to limit their fertility and to gain a higher control of their own lives.
Sexual relationships would never be discussed they were considered inappropriate, there was no freedom of speech about sexuality. The publishing of the book Lady Chatterley’s Lover in 1929, which was soon banned, because it had contents of sexuality established in the book, which was horrifying because there was no freedom of speech. It was a significant event of the sexual revolution when the banning of the book was lifted in 1960. Permitting women to discuss their sexuality