2. Relationships
3. Characteristics of an offender
4. Characteristics of a victim
5. Protection for children
6. Jurisdiction
Protecting our Future
“According to a recent study, rapist and child molesters are arrested once for every 30 offenses they commit” (Leo, 2). Scary thought for the human race, especially for parents with children under 18. How is a sexual predator defined? Once this has been identified then the need to examine why internet relationships are developed. What are the different characteristics of offenders and victims? Lastly, how do we protect our children from sexual predators and who has jurisdiction over the offenders? What steps, if any, should the government take to protect children from sexual predators on the internet?
Sexual Predators “The term sexual predator is used pejoratively to describe a person as obtaining or trying to obtain sexual contact with another person in a metaphorically predatory manner” (Wikipedia, 1). People, who commit sex crimes, as in a rape or child sexual abuse, will commonly be referred to as a sexual predator. Sexual predators come in various sizes, shapes and ages. Recently passed, legislation is geared towards sexual predators under the age of 18.
Power, knowledge, and resources are the three greatest discrepancies between offenders and victims in any relationship. Power comes in two forms, physical and emotional. Adults can use actual physical power or by their size use intimidation. Youth obtain a “sense of self” from adults, due to lacking life experiences to base their knowledge upon. Any compliment is good feedback and withheld praise or affection is interpreted to the child as being bad. Children do not know what sexual activity is, where as adults or teens understand what sexual activity involves. Children require food, clothes, and a home, all of these are subject to the whims of the offenders (Sanford, 78). As children mature they naturally go
Bibliography: “child abuse.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 2007 Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 6 Nov 2007 <http://find.galenet.com/ovrc/infomark.do?>. Henderson, Harry. “Library in a book, Internet Predators.” New York: Facts on File, 2005 Greenhaven Press, 1997. Opposing ViewPoints Resource Center.Thompson Gale 15 Nov 2007 <http://find.galenet.com/ovrc/infomark.do?>. “Sexual predator.” Wikipedia. 2007. Wikipedia Foundation Inc., 29 Oct 2007 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki>.