Indeed, according to Alfred Kinsey, a behavior that may appear strange, perverse, or unthinkably unacceptable to some persons, and even to most persons, may have significance for other individuals because of the way in which they have been conditioned (Rathus A, Nevid S, Fichner-Rathus, Herold S, 2004). Therefore, our acceptance of certain behaviours is consequently dependent of our society 's norm. However, if we put all questions of deviancy and normality aside and focus only on whether or not this lifestyle is healthy we might arrive to a better conclusion. For that purpose we must define the line between sexual sadism and consensual sadomasochism. A consensual sadomasochism relationship is far different from any sexual sadism; it is an agreement between two adults to engage in the enacting of different role playing particularly of the dominant and dominated. Ultimately, apart from their sex lives, they are pretty much like anyone else. Moreover, sadomasochism is certainly unusual statistically speaking, yet other factors should be considered in order to make a well-formed decision about this …show more content…
The question remains, is this how individuals within the sadomasochism subculture really behave? Are the sadists evil doers, the masochists ' non-consenting victims? Is this subculture truly as immoral as popular culture suggests? In my opinion, this alternative lifestyle can be safe however, the opposite is also true and for that reason many judge sadomasochism relationship too harshly by over generalizing. For an outsider, this type of lifestyle conjures up images of whips, chains, perverted acts, and people being tortured. Furthermore, the acts of sadomasochism, while appearing to be impulsive and violent to the uneducated viewer, are pre-negotiated, highly detailed, and heavily regulated in order to assure the safety of both partners. Those not involved in alternative lifestyles such as sadomasochism, gay, lesbian, often perceive those who participate as mentally ill or perhaps sexually confused due to some trauma in their lives. The truth of the matter is that participants in sadomasochism lifestyles or practices are normal. Therefore, as long as it is consensual, pre-negotiated, and safe this atypical relationship will remain healthy. In addition, the DSM-IV 's prerequisites are a good indicator to whether or not an individual has crossed the line