English 092
Essay 6
Sexuality in America
Sexuality is something that everyone experiences sometime in their life, because it’s a natural process. It’s what our bodies are made for. If this is the case, then why is sexuality more taboo than violence in mainstream American culture? I think this is because of religion, disease, and personal morals/ stereotypes. If you live in America then most likely you have a certain belief/religion. Religion creates a filter inside an individual, which can create an opposing viewpoints and judgments on such that involve sexuality. There are differences in the way people express sexuality. For example a person who doesn’t have religious boundaries on sexuality can just be horny and have sex for no purpose but to pleasure themselves. While on the other hand a person who has religious beliefs may wait to do sexual things until there married because there’s more meaning to it and you get more out of it if you wait. Religion controls many aspects of life and can lead to many personal judgments. …show more content…
Being violent may cause injuries, although you are able to recover most of the time, and often violence is a choice. Being sexual is a choice as well, but its consequences can be much more life threatening and when being involved in sexual activity, you don’t intend to be a victim of a disease, it just happens. Engaging in sexual activity can also lead to emotional issues and you may feel connected to that person afterwards. But when you engage in violence it’s most likely because of hate and you can easily let those feelings