The sexualization of women has brought about an immoral expectation to all members of society in the matter of how women are, how they should act, and how they should be seen. Not as an individual or person, but as an object that is meant to be possessed, controlled, and won by men. This expectation and view is absolutely disgusting, as it dehumanizes women, putting their own being and person to the equivalent of an object, an object that can be used and mistreated for nefarious, inappropriate, and iniquitous means. This expectation has been brought about by the dissolute material we see everyday, through media, text, and the overwhelming information around …show more content…
The insecurity that affects how we see ourselves, our body image, our weight, our height, our skin color, etc. This self-doubt for our appearance has broken us down as we are constantly trying to compare ourselves to people who, by majority’s standard of beauty, are considered attractive. We try to change ourselves in order to conform to everyone's preconceived notions of beauty. “Everyone suffers from this constant emphasis on appearance as it encourages people to separate the body from the individual as a person… In any case, the body becomes an object that exists for sexual pleasure, leading to self-objectification. Self-objectification, in turn, is connected to eating disorders, depression and sexual dysfunction.” (Shadia Duske) This article written on the sexualization of women shows how sexual content and the sexualization of their gender has caused them to be severely afflicted. Women have been forced to integrate themselves into our more contemporary structure, lest they face judgement by their peers. Judgement for not being “Attractive” and for being “Ugly.” All persons alike should not be set in a situation where they must perform in a precise manner just to please the people around us. The misconception on how everyone must meet a certain standard, follow a certain ideal, reach a certain expectation, all in order to be accepted by our peers is without a doubt