Let me introduce myself, I am Penny the Egg and today I will embark on one of the most exciting times in my life span. This has been a long expedition and now that I have reached the infundibulum, this is the outer portion of a female fallopian tube. The name I was in the medical word is “Ova”, most people just call me egg but my name again is Penny. I have been in contact with a germ cell named Seymour. His medical name is sperm and he lives inside the male human body. Seymour and I have been dreaming about this adventure for our whole lives. I am hope everything goes as planned and Seymour and I get to meet. After we meet, we will become one to create another male or female …show more content…
This is where I will wait for Seymour to arrive. It takes me some time to travel down the fallopian tube, and during this time is when my female host will ovulate, and then two weeks later my host will menstruate unless Seymour and I create life. The length of my travel is around 4 inches, but I must travel different parts of the tube in order to be totally ready to meet Seymour. As I travel the fallopian tube, I will come a crossed various small groups who call themselves Cilia. The Cilia groups have miniature hair-like projections that help me along my travels’. I could not make it an inch a day without the help of the …show more content…
I must move faster than I have ever moved before. Millions of my brother s are trying to get to my Penny also and will race through the cervical canal, onto the uterus, we will continue to battle to be the first one to successfully reach an ovum (Penny) waiting just outside the opening to the fallopian tube. I did it! I was the first one to reach the ovum and penetrate Penny’s hard outer lining. Even thou many of my brothers’ might find her, once I am inside the lining Penny will go through a chemical change that will insure we become an embryo. We will travel together down the rest of the fallopian tube so we can implant ourselves into the uterus until birth as a human