In this section, Mr. Dalton is said to be "… …show more content…
Dalton, Mary's mom. Mrs. Dalton is visually impaired, with white eyes, and fair skin. Wright says," Then, all of a sudden, so all of a sudden that every one of the men heaved, the entryway behind Mr. Dalton loaded with a streaming white nearness." (189). While Mrs. Dalton made Bigger execute Mary, her visual deficiency symbolizes the visual deficiency of those without encounters. Mrs. Dalton's visual deficiency requires her hand to be held, and for her to not detect what is directly before her. Since Bigger has had "understanding" by slaughtering Mary, he sees whatever remains of the world as visually impaired, and as him the special case who can perceive what society is genuinely similar to. The glimmering lights of the press can likewise be an image of visual impairment in the entry. The press takes photographs of Mr. furthermore, Mrs. Dalton with blazing white lights and blinding them in the meantime. With the white lights, it demonstrates that the brighter something is, the more outlandish one is from seeing reality. The white feline on Bigger's shoulder demonstrates the visual impairment of those encompassing Bigger. The feline sits on Bigger's shoulder while Mr. Dalton is being met by the press about Mary, Bigger "feeling that the feline had given him away" (190). However, no one speculates anything about the